Herreshoff #186409es Sheldrakes
Type: Sloop or Catboat?
Setup: 1863
Launch: 1864
Construction: Wood
Built for: Herreshoff [?]
Note: Particulars are primarily but not exclusively from the HMCo Construction Record. Supplementary information not from the Construction Record appears elsewhere in this record with a complete citation.

Model location: H.M.M. Workshop North Wall Right
Vessels from this model:
1 built
Original text on model:
"SHELDRAKES 1864" (Source: Original handwritten annotation on model. Undated.)
Note: Vessels that appear in the records as not built, a cancelled contract, a study model, or as a model sailboat are listed but not counted in the list of vessels built from a model.
Other Contemporary Text Source(s)
"There are now in process of building in the boat builder's shop of Mr. John Herreshoff at the south part of the town, two large sized sail boats, the larger of which [#186404es Magic] is intended to be a faster sailer than the Kelpie [#186301es] that was built last season at the same place, and is about the same size; the other [#186409es Sheldrakes?] is not quite as large and is designed expressly for safety and is also expected to be a fast boat. The last mentioned is being built for the brother of the builder, and will ply between here and Prudence.
Mr. Herreshoff is totally blind and yet not only superintends the building of the boats, but also does himself considerable part of the work; he made the keel, centre board and box and some other of the most difficult parts of one of the sailboats in shop, the whole of which is pronounced to by, by good judges, of superior workmanship." (Source: Anon. "Sailboats Building." Bristol Phoenix, December 12, 1863, p. 2.)
"We made a visit on Wednesday last at the yard and boat-builders shop of Mr. John Herreshoff. We saw two large sized sail boats ready for launching, one [#186409es Sheldrakes?] of which, built for a brother of Mr. H., is to ply between here and Prudence Inland; she is a fine looking, well built boat --- safety more than speed being looked to in her construction --- and in length is twenty feet over all. The other [#186404es Magic] is twenty-five feet in length over all and is expected to out-sail even that very fast sailer the Kelpie [#186301es], which was built at the same establishment last season for the builder's own use.
One boat [#186405es Patience] is now on the stocks in the yard, of thirty-six feet in length, and another [#186406es Prudence] of the same size, with two [#186401es Faith and #186402es Hope], each of twenty seven feet in length, are to be built here for a new fishing company to be formed the coming season. These four boats are to be constructed upon a new plan, altogether different, and intended to be far superior to the fishing boats that are usually used in our waters.
Mr. Herreshoff has also a contract to build a first class yacht [#186407es Qui Vive] of about twenty-four tons burthen, for Thomas Clapham Esq., of Derby, Connecticut. Work will he commenced on the yacht early in the spring.
In an article last week, we alluded to the boat built at New Bedford for the Custom House there, stating we thought it to have been one of Mr. D. D. Almy's best efforts, &c. We have since learned that the drafting and modeling of this boat was the work of Mr. L. Smith. Both of these gentlemen are now in the employ of Mr. Herreshoff." (Source: Anon. "Local Affairs. Boat Building at the South End." Bristol Phoenix, February 6, 1864, p. 2.)
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Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné.
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