Herreshoff #190709es [Unbuilt Boat for H.O. Havemeyer, formerly #680s]


Name: [Unbuilt Boat for H.O. Havemeyer, formerly #680s]
Type: Sloop
Designed by: NGH
Not built, not assigned, cancelled, etc.: 1907-11
Construction: Wood
LOA: 34' 6" (10.52m)
LWL: 25' (7.62m)
Draft: 1' 3" (0.38m)
Rig: Sloop
Centerboard: yes
Built for: Havemeyer, H. O.

Note: Particulars are primarily but not exclusively from the HMCo Construction Record. Supplementary information not from the Construction Record appears elsewhere in this record with a complete citation.


Model #1900Model number: 1900
Model location: H.M.M. Workshop West Wall Right (on workbench)

Vessels from this model:
3 built, modeled by NGH
#190708es [Unbuilt Boat for H.O. Havemeyer, formerly #679s] (1907)
#190709es [Unbuilt Boat for H.O. Havemeyer, formerly #680s] (1907)
#681s Au Revoir (1908)
#867s Ventura (1922, Extant)
#1226s Yawlcat (1932)

Original text on model:
"Made for # 679 680 for [unreadable (H.O. Havemeyer)] to but order cancelled [after his death on December 4, 1907],
Scale 1/12 Nov 1907
no #681 AU REVOIR Raised Scale 3/4 Frame spaces 12 1/2 on model 13 on boat. Cross decking revised 12 to 12 1/2 Sept 1908
#867 VENTURA Scale 3/4 Same (as #681) but forward deck raised, no #1226 YAWLCAT Scale 3/4 Same (as #681) but deck raised & flush July 1932." (Source: Original handwritten annotation on model. Undated.)

Note: Vessels that appear in the records as not built, a cancelled contract, a study model, or as a model sailboat are listed but not counted in the list of vessels built from a model.


Offset booklet number(s): MRDE02_01670

Offset booklet contents:
#190708es, #190709es [Unbuilt Boats for H.O. Havemeyer]

Offset Booklet(s) in Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection in the Model Room at the Herreshoff Marine Museum, Bristol, RI. (Restricted access --- see curator.)


Archival Documents

"[Item Description:] Typewritten (carbon copy) proposed specifications titled 'Twenty Five Foot Restricted Class of Great South Bay [#190708es and #190709es Unbuilt Boats for H.O. Havemeyer]'. Marked in pencil 'Proposed by NGH for Mr. Havemeyer. Sept[ember] 5, 1907'." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Specifications. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDW02_02710. Folder [no #]. 1907-09-05.)

"[Item Description:] Handwritten (in ink) offset booklet, untitled, with note on first page 'Nos. 679 & 680. Order cancelled after death of Mr. H.O. Havemeyer Dec. 1907. C.b [centerboard] jib & mainsail boats. Frames spaces 9in'. ["HMCo building numbers #679s & #680s were assigned in early 1908 to two other boats after the initial order had been cancelled. These two boats now appear as #190708es and #190709es in the Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné.]" (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Offset Booklet. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE02_01670. Folder [no #]. No date (1907-11 ?).)

"[Item Description:] Mimeographed specifications titled 'Specifications for Two Center-board Yachts with jib and mainsail rig'. Marked in pencil 'Nos. 679 & 680 [#190708es and #190709es Unbuilt Boats for H.O. Havemeyer]. Cancelled'." (Source: Herreshoff Manufacturing Co.. (creator). Specifications. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDW02_02790. Folder [no #]. No date (1907-11 ?).)

"[Item Transcription:] [Typewritten letter on '17 Wall Street, New York' stationery:] Referring to your Company's communication of September 17th [1907], I have done my utmost to interest yachtsmen of the Great South Bay in the restricted class of boats as per the specifications furnished, [added in pencil:] without success.
My son seems determined, however, that there shall be two boats built; one for himself and one for me [#190708es and #190709es Unbuilt Boats for H.O. Havemeyer]. The water line to be 25 feet, the draft not to exceed 5 feet, to be a good boat for deep water sailing and have all the sails she ought to carry and no more.
I submit this to you now that the matter of class boat may be considered at an end, and that you may reflect over what is the best thing for us to have. Bear in mind we want it as well for outside sailing [with unreadable penciled addition], and whether the modifications which you may arrive at will in any way affect the price, which, under the letter referred to above, for two boats is fixed at $2500, each.
If the boats are built they should be ready about the first of April next.
Yours very truly, ..." (Source: Havemeyer, H.O. Letter to N.G. Herreshoff. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDW02_02780. Folder [no #]. 1907-11-11.)

"[Item Description:] Penciled pantograph hull sections titled 'Nos 679 & 680. Not built. Scale 1/12[in]. 1st trial. nov. 24 [19]07'. With calculations arriving at a total displacement of 103.0[cuft] [= 6592lbs]. On verso a penciled midship section of the same design titled # 679 - 680 G[rea]t So[uth] Bay'. [Note: Nos 679 and 680 were cancelled by HMCo and reassigned to other boats after the death on December 4, 1907 of her owner H.O. Havemeyer. These two boats now appear as #190708es and #190709es in the Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné.]" (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Pantograph Hull Sections. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE04_01520. Folder [no #]. 1907-11-24.)

"[Item Description:] Penciled preliminary plan with half-section and inboard profile titled "No 679 & 680 [#190708es and #190709es Unbuilt Boats for H.O. Havemeyer]. 25 rating for G[rea]t South Bay. Oder cancelled after death of Mr. Havemeyer. Scale 3/4. Dec. 1907'. With list of scantlings." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Framing Plan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE02_05630. Folder [no #]. 1907-12.)

"[Item Description:] Penciled sailplan titled '25ft w.l. 25 rating [#190708es, #190709es]. Designed for G[rea]t South Bay for Mr. Havemeyer but contract cancelled [after Havemeyer's death on December 4, 1907]. Scale 3/8in. Dec[ember] 1907'." (Source: Herreshoff Manufacturing Co. (creator). Penciled Sailplan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Acc. 2004.0001.0358. WRDT04, Folder 31, formerly MRDE09. 1907-12.)

Note: This list of archival documents contains in an unedited form any and all which mention #190709es [Unbuilt Boat for H.O. Havemeyer, formerly #680s] even if just in a cursory way. Permission to digitize, transcribe and display is gratefully acknowledged.


Research Note(s)

"HMCo building numbers 679 & 680 were initially assigned to two boats for H.O. Havemeyer, but after Havemeyer's death that order was cancelled in December 1907 and other boats were assigned these numbers. An offset booklet in the Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum lists the offsets for these two boats and makes note of Havemeyer's death and the cancelled order." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. February 14, 2019.)

"Dimensions measured off from penciled sailplan: LOA 34ft 6in. Draft (centerboard up) 1ft 3in. Draft (centerboard down) 5ft 10 1/2in." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. March 12, 2019.)

Note: Research notes contain information about a vessel that is often random and unedited but has been deemed useful for future research.


We are always interested in learning more about this vessel. If you want to discuss it or can share any additional information or images or to discuss a copyright concern, please do not hesitate to send an Email to the link below!

Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné.
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Citation: Herreshoff #190709es [Unbuilt Boat for H.O. Havemeyer, formerly #680s]. Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné. https://herreshoff.info/Docs/ES190709_Unbuilt_Boat_for_HO_Havemeyer.htm.