HMCo #288p Helianthus I

Later Name(s): Helianthus SP-585 (1917)
Type: Power Yacht
Designed by: NGH
Contract: 1912-2-21
Launch: 1912-6-17
LOA: 64' 0" (19.51m)
LWL: 62' 9" (19.13m)
Beam: 13' 6" (4.11m)
Draft: 4' 3" (1.30m)
Displ.: 43,500 lbs (19,731 kg)
Propulsion: Gasoline, Sterling, 75 h.p. ; 6 cyl. Model B.
Propeller: Diameter 37", Pitch 56", R.H. 3 blades #8711
Built for: Herreshoff, N. G.
Note(s) in HMCo Construction Record: N. G. Herreshoff
Last reported: 1919 (aged 7)
See also:
Note: Particulars are primarily but not exclusively from the HMCo Construction Record. Supplementary information not from the Construction Record appears elsewhere in this record with a complete citation.

Model location: H.M.M. Model Room East Wall
Vessels from this model:
1 built, modeled by NGH
Original text on model:
"HELIANTHUS #288 Scale 1/2" March 1912 model by Sidney Launching date June 17 1912 Painted lines" (Source: Original handwritten annotation on model. Undated.)
Model Description:
"#288 Helianthus, 64' power cruiser of 1912. (Model by Sidney deW. Herreshoff.)" (Source: Bray, Maynard. 2004.)
Note: Vessels that appear in the records as not built, a cancelled contract, a study model, or as a model sailboat are listed but not counted in the list of vessels built from a model.
Offset booklet number(s): HH.4.041
Offset booklet contents:
#288 [motor yacht Helianthus].
Offset Booklet(s) in Haffenreffer-Herreshoff Collection. Francis Russell Hart Nautical Collections, MIT Museum, Cambridge, Mass. (Restricted access --- see curator.)

List of drawings:
Drawings believed to have been first drawn for, or being first referenced to
HMCo #288p Helianthus I are listed in bold.
Click on Dwg number for preview, on HH number to see at M.I.T. Museum.
Dwg 010-023 (HH.5.00865): Stuffing Box for Steamer 115 (1884-07-15)
Dwg 070-018 (HH.5.05018): Attachments for Str. # 118 [Bow Chocks] (1885-01-15)
Dwg 112-022 (HH.5.09311); Capstan for 1/2" Chain 46 ft. Cutter 9/16" Chain for Str. 168 (1891-04-03)
Dwg 104-019 (HH.5.08460): Gear Wheel for Crank Shaft 12 1/2" & 18" & 25" x 13 1/2" Stroke Engine (1897-02-18)
Dwg 070-041 (HH.5.05041): Chock for Torpedo Boats # 15 and 16, 191 and 192 (1897-06-21)
Dwg 071-035 (HH.5.05138): Color Pole Socket (1897-10-28)
Dwg 009-032 (HH.5.00814): Shaft Coupling for 3 1/2" & 5" & 8" x 4 1/2" Engine for Str # 196 (1898-03-16)
Dwg 072-003 (HH.5.05185); Str. No. 65 Flush Deck Hatch 16" Dia. - Raised Hatch for 560 Class (1901-10-07)
Dwg 055-014 (HH.5.04002): Straps for Condenser Tubes, 4" Dia., 2 1/2", 3", 2" (1902-03-22)
Dwg 006-057 (HH.5.00556): [32" Dia., 56" Mean Pitch Propeller] (1904-03-20)
Dwg 066-039 (HH.5.04712): Levers and Quadrant for Signal Gear (1904-04-08)
Dwg 114-086 (HH.5.09585): Davits and Sockets (1910-12-17)
Dwg 142-000 (HH.5.11863): Post for Deckhouse # 288 (1912-02-23)
Dwg 062-076 (HH.5.04441): Rudder and Rudder Stock Quadrant (1912-03-02)
Dwg 084-060 (HH.5.06511): Monitor Hatch for # 288 (1912-03-02)
Dwg 005-132 (HH.5.00352): General Arrangement > Arr'g't, Yacht - Stm, 64' O.A., 13'-6" Beam, 4'-1 1/2" Draft, Cruising (1912-03-05)
Dwg 084-061 (HH.5.06512): Booby Hatch # 288 (1912-03-06)
Dwg 142-000 (HH.5.11859): Awning Frame and Boat Lifting Gear (1912-03-06)
Dwg 002-073 (HH.5.00076): Construction Dwg > Yacht - IC, 64' O.A., 13'6" Beam, Gasoline (1912-03-07)
Dwg 011-054 (HH.5.00981): Propeller Shaft Bearing Outer End # 288 (1912-03-07)
Dwg 011-059 (HH.5.00986): Shaft Stuffing Box and Shaft Bearing (1912-03-07)
Dwg 022-054 (N/A): Propeller Shaft Bearing Outer End (1912-03-07 ?)
Dwg 115-018 (HH.5.09673): Stern Post # 288 (1912-03-07)
Dwg 095-070 (HH.5.07873): Details Deckhouse # 288 (1912-03-08)
Dwg 025-082 (HH.5.01834): Construction and Casting List (1912-03-09)
Dwg 142-000 (HH.5.11857): # 288 [Valves in Section] (1912-03-13)
Dwg 142-000 (HH.5.11858): Elevation of Fuel Tanks, Starboard Side # 288 (1912-03-15)
Dwg 049-077 (HH.5.03753): Gasoline Tanks # 288 (1912-03-22)
Dwg 070-057 (N/A): Stern Chock & Stanchion Pocket (1912-04-03 ?)
Dwg 095-071 (HH.5.07874): Aft Deckhouse # 288 (1912-04-11)
Dwg 142-060 (HH.5.11805): Forward Engine Room Bulkhead (1912-04-11)
Dwg 142-051 (HH.5.11796): After Cabin Bulkhead # 288 (1912-04-13)
Dwg 142-052 (HH.5.11797): # 288 Forward Bulkheads (1912-04-13)
Dwg 142-053 (HH.5.11798): Bulkheads on # 28, # 30 with Engine Flue (1912-04-17)
Dwg 142-054 (HH.5.11799): Deck House # 288 (1912-04-18)
Dwg 134-058 (HH.5.10896): Reducing Gear for # 288, Sterling B-6 Motor (1912-04-19)
Dwg 142-055 (HH.5.11800): Galley and Ice Box # 288 (1912-04-23)
Dwg 085-070 (HH.5.06655): Spreaders for Awning and Stanchions (1912-04-24)
Dwg 085-071 (HH.5.06656): Awning Stanchion Sockets and Rail Stanchions (1912-04-24)
Dwg 114-089 (HH.5.09589): Davits Stanchions & Brackets (1912-04-26)
Dwg 008-055 (HH.5.00753): Propeller Shaft # 288, 300, 301 (1912-04-27)
Dwg 068-084 (HH.5.04890): Details Steering Gear # 288 and 301, 375 (1912-05-05)
Dwg 085-072 (HH.5.06657): Stanchion for # 288 and Sockets (1912-05-07)
Dwg 095-000 (HH.5.07955): Details Deckhouse # 288 (1912-05-09)
Dwg 085-073 (HH.5.06658): Stanchion Socket for 7/8 Dia. Stanchion (1912-05-16)
Dwg 093-070 (HH.5.07673): Saloon Table Extended Size 42 x 64 (1912-05-17)
Dwg 092-078 (HH.5.07546): Gangway Steps # 288 (1912-05-18)
Dwg 093-071 (HH.5.07674): For After Cabin No. 288 Helianthus (1912-05-27)
Dwg 093-072 (HH.5.07675): Combined Chart Case, Writing Desk and Phonograph Stand (1912-06-27)
Dwg 068-085 (HH.5.04891): Arrangement of Forward Steering Gear # 291 (1912-07-30)
Note: The Haffenreffer-Herreshoff Collection is copyrighted by the Francis Russell Hart Nautical Collections of the MIT Museum in Cambridge, Mass. Permission to incorporate information from it in the Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné is gratefully acknowledged. The use of this information is permitted solely for research purposes. No part of it is to be published in any form whatsoever.
Nathanael G. Herreshoff
"[1912-01-29] ... Sailed to town [Bermuda] in Oleander [#710s] in a.m. Borrowed large drafting board, T-square, scale, curve & batten of Paugh[?] [apparently to draw a dinghy for McCallan (see next day entry) and to draw #288p HELIANTHUS I (see February 1912 drawings in Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum]. ...
[1912-01-31] Wed 31:... Drawing most [of] the day [probably #288p HELIANTHUS I].
[1912-02-01] Thu 1: ... Spent most of day drawing [probably #288p HELIANTHUS I]. ...
[1912-02-03] Sat 3: ... Drawing most [of] the day [probably #288p HELIANTHUS I].
[1912-05-25] Sat 25: ... Have named #288 Helianthus.
[1912-05-29] Wed 29: ... Put fuel tanks in #288 [Helianthus I].
[1912-06-17] Mon 17: Fair. Launched my new power yacht Helianthus [#288p] at 9:45. Very tardy in sliding off. She is 64' x 13-1/2' x 4' draft and [has a] 6 cyl[inder] 5-1/2 x 6 Sterling motor.
[1912-06-18] Tue 18: Put in 20 gal[lons of] gasoline [in Helianthus #288p] & started motor.
[1912-06-20] Thu 20: Took Helianthus [#288p] out for a few minutes at 7:30 – 8AM over 3 mile course making just over 12 statute miles [per hour].
[1912-06-22] Sat 22: At noon took Helianthus [#288p] to Love Rocks and ran out for 42 m[inutes] in PM, working well. ... Took 12-1.2 gal[lons of] gasoline.
[1912-06-23] Sun 23: Very fine & warm. Thru Newport Har[bor] in Helianthus [#288p]. 1 h[our] 9 m[inutes] to Goat Is[land] L[igh]t. 1 h[our] 3 m[inutes] returning. Small flood tide. Took on 15 gal[lons] gas[oline]. Nice run.
[1912-06-29] Sat 29: Went outside in Helianthus [#288p] to see start of Newport - Marblehead race & return[ed] via Sakonnet R[iver]. Working very well & fine trip ...
[1912-06-30] Sun 30: Made run to Westport in Helianthus [#288p]. A very fine day ...
[1912-07-04] Thu 4: Took a sail in Oleander [#710s] in forenoon and a short run in Helianthus [#288p] in afternoon. ...
[1912-07-12] Fri 12: Left on 2nd cruise [with Helianthus #288p] in morning & ran to Wianno & took Mr. & Mrs. Sawyer thru to Woods Hole. ...
[1912-07-21] Sun 21: 3rd Cruise [with Helianthus #288p]. Left home at 6:56 and anchored at Port Jefferson at 5:15PM. H[eav]y rain in PM.
[1912-08-04] Sun 4: A short sail in Oleander [#710s] in AM and off in Helianthus [#288p] to see Naval re[...?] in PM.
[1912-08-31] Sat 31: [Mrs. DeWolf had a fall yesterday and broke [her] hip, and we start for home immediately on hearing [this] news [apparently in #288p Helianthus I].
[1912-09-17] Tue 17: Started [at] 1:20 in Helianthus [#288p] for New York & anchored [at] West Har[bor on] Fishers [Island]. ...
[1912-09-29] Sun 29: Off in Helianthus [#288p]. ... Rain in afternoon.
[1912-10-06] Sun 6: Off in Helianthus [#288p] to Newport ... Helianthus out of commission on return home.
[1912-10-11] Fri 11: Helianthus [#288p] all laid up at dock and W. W. Horton through.
[1912-12-05] Thu 5: ... Hauled out Helianthus [#288p] for the winter at head of cove. ...
[1913-05-20] Tue 20: ... Wm. Horton began fitting out Helianthus [#288p].
[1913-06-05] Thu 5: Harry Kata began as steward in Helianthus [#288p] @ $60. ...
[1913-06-10] Tue 10: Fine & cool. Ther[mometer] 46deg. early. Hauled Helianthus [#288p] out at [Walker's] Cove to paint bottom & topsides.
[1913-06-19] Thu 19: Started in PM in Helianthus [#288p] to see [Harvard-Yale] races at New London. Smooth run in 5 h[ours] 55 m[inutes]. ...
[1913-06-28] Sat 28: Ran outside in Helianthus [#288p] to see start of race of schooners to Marblehead & return around Rhode Is[land]. Very successful trial using kerosene as fuel. Very warm day. ...
[1913-06-29] Sun 29: Very fine. To Westport in Helianthus [#288p]. ... Used kerosene with good results.
[1913-07-04] Fri 4: Fine warm day. SSW wind. ... Sailing in Oleander [#710s] & short trip in Helianthus [#288p] in PM.
[1913-07-10] Thu 10: Left on a little cruise in Helianthus [#288p] ... Rough outside.
[1913-07-19] Sat 19: Fair. ... Off in Helianthus [#288p] to see race at E. Greenwhich ...
[1913-07-20] Sun 20: Very fine. Took off party of friends in Helianthus [#288p]. ...
[1913-07-22] Tue 22: Started in Helianthus [#288p] for last[?] trip[?] (?) to see races. ... I am alone on this trip.
[1913-07-24] Thu 24: Unsettled. Ran over to Larchmont. Had squall just before racing time so could not get on [NY50] Ventura [#711s] as intended, but looked on from 'Helianthus' [#288p]. ...
[1913-07-26] Sat 26: Fine. Sailed in [NY50] Grayling [#715s] in race in PM and found her in fine condition. Griswold with me in Helianthus [#288p]. Started for home at 6:30 and ran to Bridgeport. ...
[1913-07-28] Mon 28: Take kerosene & fittings to use in from Helianthus [#288p] [and] overhaul and clean engine.
[1913-07-29] Tue 29: Haul out Helianthus [#288p] to clean bottom.
[1913-08-01] Fri 1: P[ar[t]ly cl[oudy], S [wind with] mod[erate] temperature]. ... all had tea on Helianthus [#288p].
[1913-08-17] Sun 17: ... Off for the day in Helianthus [#288p]. ...
[1913-08-30] Sat 30: Clearing. Off in Helianthus [#288p] in PM with guests to see race in harbor. ...
[1913-08-31] Sun 31: Very fine & warm. Off in Oleander [#710s] [in] AM and in Helianthus [#288p] ... Thru Newport Har[bor] & by Jamestown.
[1913-09-01] Mon 1: Fair [with] SW [wind in] PM. Labor Day. Started for New York in Helianthus [#288p] in PM & ran to Stonington.
[1913-09-06] Sat 6: Fine. In PM go to E. Greenwich and take the Greenes for run in Helianthus [#288p]. ...
[1913-09-07] Sun 7: ... Off in afternoon in Helianthus [#288p] ...
[1913-10-05] Sun 5: Last trip on Helianthus [#288p]. Around Rhode Island. ... Yacht out of commission on return.
[1913-12-11] Thu 11: Helianthus [#288p] hauled out at head of cove for the winter weather. ...
[1914-01-31] Sat 31: Easterly rain storm. H[eavy] SE to S [wind] in PM. ... Helianthus [#288p] launched and moored at home berth ...
[1914-05-01] Fri 1: W. W. Horton[?] began fitting out Helianthus [#288p].
[1914-05-18] Mon 18: Very fine. Calm [in] AM. ... Helianthus [#288p] hauled out in PM to paint bottom &c.
[1914-05-20] Wed 20: Fine. ... Helianthus [#288p] launched in afternoon.
[1914-05-23] Sat 23: Fine with strong NW [wind]. ... Helianthus [#288p] just in commission.
[1914-05-24] Sun 24: Very fine & cool [with] NW [wind in] AM [&] SW [in] PM. 1st trip in Helianthus [#288p] to Newport & outside watching Resolute [#725s]. ...
[1914-05-30] Sat 30: Overcast [with] S [wind] & cold. ... Started in Helianthus [#288p] with Dr. Merriman, having 'Sadie' [#732s] in tow. Quite smooth trip. Anchored at Conn[ecticut] River for night.
[1914-06-02] Tue 2: Very fine with mod[erate] N & NW [wind] & calm. ... Helianthus [#288p] out with guests.
[1914-06-03] Wed 3: Part[ly] overcast with mod[erate] SW to W [wind]. Windward & leeward race won by Resolute [#725s] by small margin. Francis ... [as] guests on Helianthus [#288p], while I am on Resolute.
[1914-06-04] Thu 4: S rain storm with strong wind. I went out in Helianthus [#288p]. Vanitie lost man overboard and withdrew. We start for home at 2:10 and run to Port Jefferson for the night.
[1914-06-07] Sun 7: Very fine [with] fresh SW [wind]. Sailing in Oleander [#710s] in AM and move Helianthus [#288p] out at high water. ...
[1914-06-10] Wed 10: Sailed in Resolute [#725s] in a fine SSW breeze, 15 m[iles] to windward & return. Won easily over Vanitie ... Helianthus [#288p] out in charge of Mr. Horton with all guests.
[1914-06-11] Thu 11: Sailed again in triangular race and won by small margin in light wind. Helianthus [#288p] out again as yesterday, ...
[1914-06-12] Fri 12: Fine trianglular race in fair SSW wind. Resolute [#725s] won easily. I look on from Helianthus [#288p] ... Helianthus [#288p] troubled by circulating water. ...
[1914-06-18] Thu 18: Fine & clear. Started for New London in Helianthus [#288p] at 1, having Bubble [#285p] in tow. ...
[1914-06-24] Wed 24: Start in Helianthus [#288p] at 6 for Glen Cove. Have a fine quiet run arriving at 8:15. No guests.
[1914-07-03] Fri 3: Light NE [wind] & clearing. Started about 1 o'clock for trip to Wianno in Helianthus [#288p]. Stop at Woods Hole over night ... Very cold weather.
[1914-07-04] Sat 4: Clear & fine [with] l[igh]t W [wind]. Started early for Wianno and pass the forenoon with the Sawyers and sailing in Oleander [#710s]. In PM take Mrs. Sawyer & friends off in Helianthus [#288p]. Anchor for night in East Bay.
[1914-07-05] Sun 5: Fair with fresh SW [wind] & part[ly]overcast. Take the Sawyers ... for [the] day in Helianthus [#288p] and go to Vineyard Haven. Return in PM and leave Wianno about 4 and run to Westport.
[1914-07-08] Wed 8: Start again for Newport in fresh SSW [wind] & fog. Leave Helianthus [#288p] at anchor for Sidney to take later and go onboard Resolute [#725s]. Have close race against Vanitie and won.
[1914-07-10] Fri 10: L[igh]t NE [wind] & overcast early. Later calm. Have a race in light S wind and large ground swell. Resolute [#725s] won by 30 m[inutes] over Vanitie, and Defiance gave up. Have E. D. Morgan as guest in Helianthus [#288p]. ...
[1914-07-16] Thu 16: Leave at 8:15 in fog to see race. I start out in Resolute [#725s] but fog shut in and [there was] no race. Have on Helianthus [#288p]... Run home in PM.
[1914-07-21] Tue 21: Making some changes in Helianthus's [#288p] galley. ...
[1914-07-26] Sun 26: Off in Helianthus [#288p] for short run in forenoon, and then called at Pt. Pleasant. Ran to Prov[idence] in PM ...
[1914-07-28] Tue 28: NE rain storm. Started in Helianthus [#288p] at 11:30 for Cape Cod ... Passed night at Falmouth Heights.
[1914-08-05] Wed 5: Strong N [wind &] misty. Cruise ended on acc[oun]t of European war. No more racing. We go to Newport in Helianthus [#288p] and back [home] at noon. ...
[1914-08-06] Thu 6: Resolute [#725s] & [her tender] Cape Cod came here in wait [of] decision about Cup races. Changing exhaust in Helianthus [#288p] to deliver under stern.
[1914-08-07] Fri 7: Haul out Helianthus [#288p] & paint topsides.
[1914-08-09] Sun 9: Very fine and warm. Launch Helianthus [#288p] and in PM make trip around Prudence [Island]. ...
[1914-08-11] Tue 11: Fitting in turning gear for ex[haust] valves in Helianthus's [#288p] engine.
[1914-08-13] Thu 13: Start for Cape Cod in Helianthus [#288p] at 10:45, ... Arrive off Wianno about 5 and watch yacht race, then go to E[ast] Bay.
[1914-08-15] Sat 15: Fog & showers in forenoon. Take Helianthus [#288p] of Y[acht] C[lub] pier & anchor. Sail Oleander [#710s] in race in PM with Mr. & Mrs. Sawyer & win. ...
[1914-08-16] Sun 16: Very fine. Start early, ... Stop at Woods Hole... Mr. Emmons family & friends go in Helianthus [#288p] thru [the Cape Cod] canal in PM.
[1914-08-22] Sat 22: Very fine. Go to E. Greenwich in Helianthus [#288p] ...
[1914-08-23] Sun 23: Fine. Off in PM in Helianthus [#288p] and run to Prov[idence] & return. ...
[1914-08-31] Mon 31: Fresh SW [wind]. Ran to Newport in Helianthus [#288p], ...
[1914-09-04] Fri 4: Fine. Started on a little cruise in Helianthus [#288p], ... Ran to Sag Harbor and go ashore for walk. ... Light SW [wind] ch[anging] to l[igh]t NW.
[1914-09-26] Sat 26: Fine & cool. Off in Helianthus [#288p] in PM, ... Run up to Somerset & back.
[1914-09-27] Sun 27: Fair [with] SW to NW [wind]. Off in Helianthus [#288p], ..., to Wickford, then to Narraganset Pier ...
[1914-10-01] Thu 1: To Spring[?] Greenes in Helianthus [#288p] in PM.
[1914-10-02] Fri 2: A short run in Helianthus [#288p] in PM, ...
[1914-10-04] Sun 4: Very fine & calm. Off in Helianthus [#288p] for [the] day. Towed Katoura [#722s] to Newport ... Last trip [of the season].
[1914-10-06] Tue 6: ... Put Helianthus [#288p] out of commission and began to lay up.
[1914-10-10] Sat 10: ... Paid off W. W. Horton at noon after having a very satisfactory and long season in Helianthus [#288p]. She is to have a new cover, to be made of schooner #0 duck cut from outer jib made several years ago and not used.
[1915-05-11] Tue 11: Very fine [with] l[ight and] variable. Cook for Helianthus [#288p] arrived (Asa Shinya) and started work @ $60.
[1915-06-02] Wed 2: Strong NE & cool. Shipped masts in Helianthus [#288p] and start engine. Haul out for painting in AM. ...
[1915-06-04] Fri 4: Launch Helianthus [#288p] in forenoon and take onboard 302 gal[lons of] gasoline.
[1915-06-06] Sun 6: NE with strong breeze & light rain. Put Helianthus [#288p] in commission [in] AM. Off in Helianthus in PM ... Ran to Barrington & return.
[1915-06-12] Sat 12: Started [at] 11:40 in Helianthus [#288p] with Oleander [#710s] in tow for Wianno. Arrived about 7:00. Fine run. ... Anchored in East Bay.
[1915-06-19] Sat 19: Off in Helianthus [#288p] in PM ... to Pawtucket[?]. ...
[1915-06-20] Sun 20: Off in Helianthus [#288p] for all day. To Newport ...
[1915-06-23] Wed 23: Took Mr. Tod & family for short trip in Helianthus [#288p]. ...
[1915-06-24] Thu 24: Started [in] afternoon for New London in Helianthus [#288p], ...
[1915-06-28] Mon 28: New motor for Helianthus [#288p] (Van Blerck) arrived and began taking old one out. ...
[1915-06-29] Tue 29: Put in new Van Blerck motor in Helianthus [#288p]. ...
[1915-07-03] Sat 3: Started up new motor in Helianthus [#288p] & tried on course. Took on gasoline & started on cruise to join Resolute [#725s] in afternoon. About 4 P.M. & went to Pt. Judith for the night. ...
[1915-07-10] Sat 10: Very fine. Calm [in] AM. Raced in Resolute [#725s] in PM. We tack to leeward with great success. Finish in SW breeze ahead. Start for home in Helianthus [#288p] at 5:30 and run to Port Jefferson.
[1915-07-25] Sun 25: Very fine. At [?] out in Helianthus [#288p] in AM and again in PM to Newport, ...
[1915-07-27] Tue 27: Hauled Helianthus [#288p] out to clean & paint topsides.
[1915-08-01] Sun 1: Off in Helianthus [#288p] [in] morning & afternoon. ...
[1915-08-03] Tue 3: Strong NE [wind]. Started at noon in Helianthus [#288p] to join NYYC cruise. Met yachts outside. ...
[1915-08-14] Sat 14: Fine & warm. Off in Helianthus [#288p] in PM to Greenwich Har[bor].
[1915-08-15] Sun 15: Off in Helianthus [#288p] to Barrington & turn in AM ...
[1915-08-20] Fri 20: Engage new cook for Helianthus [#288p]: Horchitara Miyazaka.
[1915-08-28] Sat 28: ... Late afternoon make short run in Helianthus [#288p].
[1915-08-29] Sun 29: Off in Helianthus [#288p] to Westport ...
[1915-09-04] Sat 4: Very fine & calm. Leave in Helianthus [#288p] at 12 for Oyster Bay. ...
[1915-09-11] Sat 11: Very fine & warm. Off in Helianthus [#288p] in afternoon & called at Beacon Rock & [E. D.] Morgans.
[1915-09-12] Sun 12: Very fine & warm. Off in Helianthus [#288p] in PM. to E[ast] Greenwich ...
[1915-10-03] Sun 3: A short trip in Helianthus [#288p] ...
[1915-10-07] Thu 7: I was married to Ann Roebuck... Later left in Helianthus [#288p] for trip. ...
[1915-10-17] Sun 17: Very fine & calm & warm. Made trip to Taunton in Helianthus [#288p] ...
[1915-10-18] Mon 18: Tried models by towing with Helianthus [#288p] in forenoon. Put Helianthus out of commission.
[1915-10-23] Sat 23: Helianthus [#288p] all laid up. ...
[1916-03-25] Sat 25: Very fine & mild. ... Snow melting fast. ... Launch Helianthus [#288p] & moored at home dock. ...
[1916-06-06] Tue 6: ... N. B. Stuart began work as engineer in Helianthus [#288p] ...
[1916-06-20] Tue 20: ... Put Helianthus [#288p] in commission [in] PM.
[1916-06-22] Thu 22: Paid up N. B. Stuart... Started on a trip to New London to see Yale-Harvard races in Helianthus [#288p], leaving after dinner. ...
[1916-07-01] Sat 1: Leave 8:35 in Helianthus [#288p] to see start of EYC Race [from] Brenton R[ee]f to Marblehead. Go around Rhodes Is[land]. Very warm NW and have pleasant trip.
[1916-07-02] Sun 2: Fine SW [becoming] strong [in] PM. Off in Helianthus [#288p] for little run [in] AM. ...
[1916-07-04] Tue 4: At home all day except ran off in Helianthus [#288p] with friends in PM.
[1916-07-08] Sat 8: ... off in Helianthus [#288p] as far as Gould[?] I[?sland?]. ...
[1916-07-09] Sun 9: ... Off in Helianthus [#288p] in PM to Barrington & return, ...
[1916-07-14] Fri 14: New cook for Helianthu [#288p]s arrived and began work. 'Sam.'
[1916-07-15] Sat 15: Started after dinner for trip to Port Jefferson & Larchmont in Helianthus [#288p] with ... Anchored at Duck I[sland] for [the] night at 9PM.
[1916-07-22] Sat 22: Thick fog, so gave up a weekend trip in Helianthus [#288p].
[1916-07-23] Sun 23: ... had dinner aboard Helianthus [#288p], ...
[1916-07-29] Sat 29: Off at noon for weekend trip in Helianthus [#288p]. ... Arrive [at] Woods Hole about 5. ...
[1916-08-03] Thu 3: Started at noon in Helianthus [#288p] for N[ew] London to join [the] NYYC Cruise. ...
[1916-08-20] Sun 20: To Westport in Helianthus [#288p] for young people to swim at Horse N[eck] Beach.
[1916-09-03] Sun 3: To Westport in Helianthus [#288p] to give young people a swim. ...
[1916-09-10] Sun 10: ... In afternoon went to Spring Green and took the Browns [owners of #772s Mariette] for [a] short trip in Helianthus [#288p]. ...
[1916-09-16] Sat 16: Off in Helianthus [#288p] in PM and ran to Beacon Rock, then to Macherel Cove and by Jamestown. Home about 5:30.
[1916-09-24] Sun 24: Fair & fresh NW. ... In afternoon off in Helianthus [#288p] up Pro[vidence] River & return. ...
[1916-10-01] Sun 1: ... Off in Helianthus [#288p] in PM ... to Dumplings & Newport.
[1916-10-15] Sun 15: Off in Helianthus [#288p] at 10:40 for a run to Taunton, ... Yacht out of commission on return.
[1916-10-16] Mon 16: Began to strip Helianthus [#288p].
[1916-10-26] Thu 26: Helianthus [#288p] all laid up and Oleander [#710s] unrigged, and Mr. Horton paid off. ...
[1916-12-14] Thu 14: ... Haul out Helianthus [#288p] for [the] winter. Found bottom in good condition after 6 mo[nths] in water. Painted with copper b[ron]ze & zinc.
[1917-03-22] Thu 22: Fair NE[wind]. Launch Helianthus [#288p Helianthus I] in AM and moor alongside #299 [Helianthus II] at home dock.
[1917-06-07] Thu 7: Got notice that Helianthus [SP-585 ex-Helianthus I #288p] has been approved for a patrol boat and to deliver her at Newport.
[1917-06-10] Sun 10: Rain nearly all day. ... didn't go out in Helianthus [#288p] as expected.
[1917-06-11] Mon 11: Fog & rain. Left for Newport [at] 9:10 in Helianthus [#288p]. Had inspection and trial and left her at Training Station in afternoon and came home by trolley & ferry.
[1919-04-08] Tue 8: Armand[?] began work on Helianthus 1st [#288p] to try out new boiler.
[1919-04-11] Fri 11: Had successful shop trial of Helianthus [#288p] boiler using gasoline in pilot. ...
[1919-05-31] Sat 31: ... I am busy making plan for Helianthus [#288p] boiler piping." (Source: Herreshoff, Nathanael G. Diary, 1912 to 1919. Manuscript (excerpts). Diary access courtesy of Halsey C. Herreshoff.)
"Bristol, R.I.
August 30 1916
Henry A Church Esq.
32 Summer Street Marblehead.
My dear Mr. Church.
Referring to our conversation about Helianthus I have about decided [to] sell her, and my price for her is $12,000.-- which is just about two-thirds of what it would cost to replace her.
She is in very perfect condition throughout, as you well know.
As there is another man interested in her kindly let me hear from you soon. I am giving you first offer.
Yours very truly
N.G. H.
2nd letter sent to Box 3312 Boston, Sept. 10th." (Source: Herreshoff, Nathanael G. [Letter to Henry A. Church.] Bristol, R. I., August 30, 1916. Herreshoff Marine Museum Collection.)
"My Own Boats. Except a few that will be mentioned as half-owner. ...
1912 HELIANTHUS #288 - ROAMER was sold while I was in Bermuda (1911-12) and I felt that I should have a cruising powerboat for the pleasure of my family and friends. While in Bermuda with nothing to do but sail, I designed and made drawings for HELIANTHUS. She was to be 64' long 13 1/2' wide with rather easy sections, having considerable deadrise and a little lead ballast which made her a very easy motioned seaboat. She had a Sterling 6 cylinder 5 1/2 x 6 motor and geared to a propeller. After two years, this engine was replaced by a Van Blerck of the same size, which gave her more speed (10 knots) and reduced consumption of gasoline. This craft was cruised in a good deal from July, 1912 to fall of 1916 and was sold to the U.S. Navy in May 1917, for a picket boat." (Source: Herreshoff, N. G. "My Own Boats. Except a few that Will be Mentioned as Half-Owner." Bristol, (originally compiled 1892 with additions in) 1929. In: Pinheiro, Carlton J. (ed.). Recollections and Other Writings by Nathanael G. Herreshoff. Bristol, 1998, p. 118.)
L. Francis Herreshoff
"In 1912 he had the powerboat 'Helianthus' built. She was sixty-four feet long and thirteen and one half feet beam, had a deck house which was a combination pilot house and dining saloon. This was his first gasoline yacht for his personal use and he was rather disappointed with her economy of fuel compared to the steamers to which he was accustomed. Although 'Helianthus' was built in 1912, she had a reduction gear of his own design and a system of distant controls so the engine could be managed entirely from the pilot house. She ran at about ten knots, and he cruised quite a little along the New England coast in her between 1912 and 1916, and sold her to the U.S. Navy for a patrol boat in 1917." (Source: Herreshoff, L. Francis. The Wizard of Bristol. The Life and Achievements of Nathanael Greene Herreshoff, together with An Account of Some of the Yachts he Designed. New York, 1953, p. 122.)
Other Contemporary Text Source(s)
"... Designer Nat Herreshoff, who has hitherto been an exponent of steam and sail as motive power for his yachts, has ordered a power cruiser with a gasoline engine at his Bristol, R I, yard, and plans are due from Bermuda, where he is Wintering, this week. The boat will be a heavily built cruiser for off-shore work. She will, according to advance specifications, be 64 feet over all, 13 feet beam and 4 1/2 feet draft, and she will have a 75-horsepower engine. ..." (Source: Anon. "Notes from the Week's Log." Boston Globe, February 25, 1912, p. 38.)
"Nat Herreshoff's new 50-foot power boat, which is being constructed at the shops of the Herreshoff Manufacturing Company in Bristol, will be ready the latter part of May." (Source: Anon. "Ticks from the Ship's Clock." Forest and Stream, April 27, 1912, p. 537.)
"[Abstract of register or enrollment. Pos. 420:]
Helianthus, gas screw yacht, of Bristol.
Built at Bristol, 1912.
24 tons; 60.5 ft. x 12.7 ft. x 6.7 ft. [Register length x breadth x depth.]
One deck, [blank] mast, plain head [bow].
Enr[olled] and Lic[ensed] (consolidated) ([as] yacht) June 15, 1912. Owner: Nathaniel G. Herreshoff of Bristol. Master: Nathaniel G. Herreshoff. ([Record at:] C[ustom] H[ouse, Providence]).
Enr[olled] and Lic[ensed] (consolidated) ([as] yacht) June 16, 1913. Owner: same. Master: same.
Surrendered [license] June 16, 1914 (enrolled) at Providence. ([Record at:] C[ustom] H[ouse, Providence])." (Source: Survey of Federal Archives, Work Projects Administration. Ships Documents of Rhode Island. Bristol. Ship Registers and Enrollments of the Port of Bristol - Warren Rhode Island, 1941, s.v. Helianthus.)
"... Nat Herreshoff's power cruiser Helianthus probably will not be in commission this Summer, as the designer is ready to give up all active yachting. ..." (Source: Anon. "Notes from the Week's Log." Boston Globe, March 15, 1914, p. 57.)
"Of the many motor yachts in active use during the season of 1914 none was more in evidence than the Helianthus, owned by Captain 'Nat' G. Herreshoff, the well known naval architect and yacht builder of Bristol, R. I. From the time the three America' s Cup defence yachts, the Resolute [#725s], the Vanitie and the Defiance, were ready to start in their trial races until all three were out of commission the Helianthus was always near at hand, for her owner was responsible for the design and construction of the Resolute. When Captain 'Nat' was not aboard the racing sloop he was to be found on board the Helianthus watching every detail of the racer and her handling, and to follow the trio of sloops frequently called for an unusually seaworthy vessel and one capable of maintaining a very fair speed. The Helianthus showed her seaworthiness on many occasions, and, in fact, made better weather of it than some large yachts in the fairly heavy seas occasionally encountered off Sandy Hook and Brenton Reef.
She is sixty-four feet long overall and four less on the waterline, with a beam of thirteen feet six inches, and her 45-65 horsepower motor enables her to show a speed of ten and one-half knots. In design she is quite unusual, being, so far as the hull is concerned, of the raised deck type, with a deck cabin house just forward of amidships, followed aft by a regulation Herreshoff cabin trunk and then a flush afterdeck.
The Helianthus was built in 19912, and her draught of four feet enables her to make trips in shallow waters, but notwithstanding her liberal freeboard and the weight of her deck cabin she is not a 'roller,' all of which is chiefly due to her design, which Captain 'Nat' is responsible for.
An awning from stem to stern affords shade protection to those on deck, and she has one signal mast. Nearly every day a party of young folks watched the trial races among the cup defence candidates from on board the Helianthus, and not once during the reason was it necessary to make any repairs on the novel motor cruiser.
The Helianthus flies the white starred red cross on the field of blue, the burgee of the New York Yacht Club, of which her owner is a member, and she was with the club's squadron during the annual cruise, which terminated in Newport Harbor because of the war abroad.
[Photo caption:] Captain 'Nat' G. Herreshoff's Motor Yacht Helianthus. Stebbins Photo [no. 21447]." (Source: Anon. "Captain 'Nat' Herreshoff's Motor Yacht, the Helianthus, Steady in a Seaway. Has Many Comforts and Unusual Features --- No Difficulty in Accompanying Candidates." New York Herald, December 21, 1914, p. 13.)
"... Nat Herreshoff's power cruiser Helianthus, which left Bristol the last of the week for the upper end of Long Island Sound so that her owner could witness the first race between the Resolute and Vanitie, has been fitted with a new engine. ..." (Source: Anon. "Notes from the Week's Log." Boston Globe, July 4, 1915, p. 44.)
"The power yacht Helianthus [#288p] owned by Capt Nat Herreshoff has been accepted by the Navy Department officials at Newport for coast patrol service in the Second District and will be fitted at the Naval Training Station at Newport. The Helianthus was built here several years ago. ..." (Source: Anon. "Boats For Coast Patrol." Bristol Phoenix, June 15, 1917, p. 1.)
"IN the lists printed on pages 36, 38, and 40, will be found a complete record of all motor boats and motor yachts which went into the service of our Navy Department during the war period. This is the first time that such a list has been published and is given to Motor Boating at the special request of the Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Assistant Secretary of the Navy.
The data which is printed is divided into four parts. Motor boats purchased outright by the Government; Motor boats loaned by their owners to the Government on a free lease basis; Motor boats chartered, and Motor boats lost.
The lists include boats propelled by internal combustion motors only—they do not include steam yachts or steamers of any description. ...
Helianthus [Name of Boat]; 585 [S.P. No.]; 60-6 [Length]; 11,500.00 [Purchase Price]; N. A. Herreshoff, Bristol, R.I. [Former Owner]. ..." (Source: Anon. "Privately Owned Motor Boats Purchased by the Government. First List to Be Published Containing Names of Motor Boats Taken Into the Navy." Motor Boating, February 1919, p. 36-40.)
"The steam yacht Helianthus, owned by Nathaniel G. Herreshoff was inspected by Assistant United States Inspector of Boilers John Atwater Brooks yesterday." (Source: Anon. "Bristol and Vicinity." Bristol Phoenix, July 1, 1919, p. 2.)
Maynard Bray
"NGH owned three quite-similar power cruisers in succession after selling the big family steam yacht Roamer. All were named Helianthus, another name for 'sunflower.'
This first Helianthus, the prettiest of the three, [had] a full-length canvas awning, which, back in the days of steam yachts, had been common in order to shield passengers from smokestack soot. On the gas-powered Helianthus I, it may, at first glance, seem to be an anachronism --- at least, until the benefits of shade in hot weather are considered.
Helianthus I was NGH's first personal yacht powered by gasoline, designed while he was in Bermuda the winter of 1911-1912. She was small enough not to require a paid crew, and NGH used her for coastal cruising until World War I, when she was purchased by the Navy and converted for coastal patrol. ..." (Source: Bray, Maynard and Carlton Pinheiro. Herreshoff of Bristol. Brooklin, Maine, 1989, p. 132.)
Archival Documents
"[Item Description:] Penciled construction plan with plan view, sections and inboard profile titled 'Original of 1st HELIANTHUS [#288p]. Made in Bermuda, Feb[ruary] 1912. NGH'." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Construction Plan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE02_05610. Folder [no #]. 1912-02.)
① ②
"[Item Description:] Penciled hull sections with pinpricks titled 'Scale 1/2in. From N.G. Herreshoff. Feb[ruary] 5, 1912 [when NGH was on Bermuda]'. With note 'The numbered sections 1 - 2 - 3 &c. are 6ft 3in apart i.e. 1/10 length to quarter, not counting round of stern. Other sections are where bulkheads or partitions will be. I am undecided if to make keel 4 7/8 sided all over or to make wider and flat, like smaller launches, and bolt on false keel.' On verso dimensioned outboard profile sketch and midship half-section and notes 'Designed w.l. at angle of 1/4in per foot with base line and base line is to be referred to in all construction and not waterline --- sheer line is to upper [unreadable word] of deck. Length of raised deck 23ft 10in' and '62ft 6in = 50 frame spaces of 15in'. (This is probably the original sketch for #288p HELIANTHUS I and appears to have been made for Sidney who then carved the model as per a note on the back of Model 20)." (Source: Herreshoff, N. G. (creator). Penciled Sketch. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Acc. 2004.0001.0608. WRDT08, Folder 46. 1912-02-05.)
① ②
"[Item Description:] Penciled list and calculations marked in bottom margin #288 HELIANTHIUS. Undated, HELIANTHUS I was designed in about March 1912. Filed together with other papers from Bermuda from that time." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Calculations. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE03_01970. Folder [no #]. No date (ca 1912-03- ??).)
"[Item Description:] Blueprint with typewritten specifications for '64ft Cruising Power Yacht' [#288p HELIANTHUS I] including detailed dimensions, scantlings, equipment etc. Marked in ink 'NGH' in upper left corner of first page. With numerous additions / corrections in ink. Including specification for engine 'It is probable, however, there will be installed a Sterling B type 6 cylinder 45. H.P. rated on 600 R.P.M. This engine driving a propeller 32in diamter x 33in pitch should turn about 460 R.P.M., with boat running 9 sea miles per hour and give about 35 H.P. This engine should be set about in middle of engine room (This is second hand engine from launch ISABEL[#277p])' to which is added in ink 'It was later decided to use this engine set about 11 1/4in higher and connected to the propeller shaft thru gearing with ratio 38 to 92 allowing the engine to run about 725r.p.m. and develop about 53 HP. Srew 37in x 56in, 3 blades'. Undated, HELIANTHUS I was contracted for in March 1912." (Source: Herreshoff Manufacturing Co. (creator). Specifications. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE14_01470. Folder [no #]. No date (1912-03 ?).)
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪
"[Item Description:] Penciled specifications for #288p HELIANTHUS I. 13 pages. Undated (HELIANTHUS I was contracted for in March 1912)." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. Correspondence (penciled specifications) to N.G. Herreshoff. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDW02_01880. Folder [no #]. No date (ca 1912-03).)
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭
"[Item Description:] Penciled sketch showing profile and sailplan of an unidentified motor yacht with small schooner rig and raised foredeck. Calculations show five sails with a total sail area of 665sqft with an additional sail bringing the toal to 764sqft. Comparison with the profile of #288p HELIANTHUS I on HMCo plan 5-132 dated March 5, 1912 shows this boat to be rather similar with similar sheerline and deckshouse, but different underwater profile and no schooner rig. Undated." (Source: Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Acc. 2004.0001.0384. Penciled Sketch. WRDT04, Folder 33, formerly MRDE09. No date (ca 1912-03- ??).)
① ② ③
"[Item Description:] Penciled sketched general arrangement plan with outboard profile and plan view of a raised deck steam (or motor) yacht. With table of particulars '74ft o.a. 66ft w.l. 13ft 4in Beam. 4ft Draft. … 16sqft grate. 36x51 screw'. Marked 'Scale 1/8in per ft'. The design is reminiscent of (and was filed with a preliminary sketch of) #288p HELIANTHUS, and is probably a preliminary design of or related to her." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Sketch. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE08_02990. Folder [no #]. No date (1912-03 ??).)
① ②
"[Item Description:] Penciled sketched general arrangement plan with plan view, midship section, and outboard profile of a raised deck motor yacht. With table of particulars 'O.A. 80ft W.L. 72ft 0in. Beam 15ft 0in. Draft 4ft.' With calculations arriving at a sail area of 814sqft and notes '90hp Deizel[sic, i.e. Diesel] motor, 2 - Fuel tanks ...'. Marked 'Scale 1/8in per ft'. The design is reminiscent of (and was filed with a preliminary sketch of) #288p HELIANTHUS, and is probably a preliminary design of or related to her." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Sketch. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE08_03010. Folder [no #]. No date (1912-03 ??).)
"[Item Description:] Penciled sketched general arrangement plan on 'Herreshoff Manufacturing Company. Bristol, R.I.' stationery with midship section, plan view, and outboard profile of a raised deck motor yacht. Marked '60ft'. The design is reminiscent of (and was filed with a preliminary sketch of) #288p HELIANTHUS, and is probably a preliminary design of or related to her." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Sketch. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE08_03020. Folder [no #]. No date (1912-03 ??).)
"[Item Description:] Penciled sketched general arrangement plan with outboard profile and plan view of a raised deck steam (or motor?) yacht. With particulars '60ft o.a. 53ft w.l. 12ft beam. 4ft draft. 5 1/2in stroke engine. 36in x 42in screw.'. Marked 'Scale 1/8in per ft'. The design is reminiscent of (and was filed with a preliminary sketch of) #288p HELIANTHUS, and is probably a preliminary design of or related to her." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Sketch. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE08_03030. Folder [no #]. No date (1912-03 ??).)
"[Item Description:] Penciled sketched general arrangement plan on 'Herreshoff Manufacturing Company. Bristol, R.I.' stationery with outboard profile and plan view of a raised deck motor yacht. Marked '64ft x 13 1/2ft' in lower right corner and '... Disp[lacement] 650cuft = 20 1/4 tons net. ...' in upper right corner. The design matches the dimensions of #288p HELIANTHUS and is apparently an early sketch of her." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Sketch. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE08_03040. Folder [no #]. No date (1912-03 ??).)
"[Item Description:] Penciled sketched general arrangement plan with outboard profile and plan view of a power yacht with two-masted rig. On recto of envelope by the 'House of Representatives U.S. … Speech of Hon. George F. O'Shaunessy, of Rhode Island, … March 19, 1912' to Griswold A. Herreshoff in Bristol. On verso another sketch of what appears to be the same design with calculations arriving at a total sail area of 678sqft (and a displacement of 24329lbs?). (This appears to be a preliminary design for #288p HELIANTHUS I, still without raised foredeck)." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Sketch. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE08_02900. Folder [no #]. No date (after 1912-03-19).)
① ②
"[Item Description:] Penciled detail sketch titled 'Gears & Casing for Sterling B-6 Motor Proposed for #288 [HELIANTHUS I]. M[ar]ch 25, 1912. Scale 1/4 size. (Original sketch made in Bermuda)'. With gear ratio calculations." (Source: Herreshoff, N. G. (creator). Penciled Plan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Acc. 2004.0001.0561. WRDT08, Folder 44. 1912-03-25.)
① ② ③
"[Item Description:] Penciled pantograph hull sections with titled 'No 288 [#288p] HELIANTHUS. 64ft x 13 1/2[ft] Cruising power yacht for N.G.H. Length w.l. 60ft 3in. From finished model. April 1912'. With calculations arriving at a total displacement of 680cuft or 43500lbs or 21.75 tons net or 19.4 tons gross." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Pantograph Hull Sections. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE04_00990. Folder [no #]. 1912-04.)
"[Item Description:] Penciled detail plan titled 'Exhaust muffler & cooler for #288 [HELIANTHUS I]. Full size. April 20th, 1912'." (Source: Herreshoff, N. G. (creator). Penciled Plan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Acc. 2004.0001.0564. WRDT08, Folder 44. 1912-04-20.)
① ②
"[Item Description:] Penciled compass deviation diagram titled 'Compass Corrections. SEA URCHIN #247 Nov. 22[19]05. ENAJ #267 Ap[ril] 7 [19]09. HELIANTHUS #288 July 17, [19]12." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Compass Deviation Card. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE03_02200. Folder [no #]. 1912-07-17 or later.)
"[Item Transcription:] [On Herreshoff Manufacturing Company stationery, marked 'Copy':] Referring to our conversation a week ago on the HELIANTHUS [#288p], I am sending you under separate cover by same mail blue prints of internal arrangement, also diagram of rig of a schooner yacht [#191222es Unbuilt Schooner for NYYC Member] that will rate just under 65. The size of hull is somewhat larger than we were talking of, a good deal due to having rather a snug rig in measurement.
Although the sail measurement by rule is rather small, I think it would be a very effective one, and at the same time, easy to handle, as I have in mind hoisting the jib on the stay and keeping it under cover instead of unbending, also the sheet to work on a traveler.
The sloop plan is one of the same sail measurement as the schooner, just for comparison, and as a sloop, would rate about 71.
I think the internal arrangement I have worked out is very good as a general plan for a yacht of the size and intended for racing as well as cruising. Of course, every one has his personal ideas about such things, and if anything comes out of this project it might be best to allow a little variation in internal plans, as was done with the [New York] 70s in 1900.
My sketches are for schooners of about 103ft over all, 77ft water line 14ft draft and 21ft beam. We could build either all steel or composite but I am inclined to think all metal best.
We have made an approximate estimate of cost for three or more of not to exceed Fifty-five Thousand ($55,000.00) dollars each. This would be for the yachts rigged and equipped throughout, two small boats, one being a power launch if desired, lighted and furnished complete below deck minus china, glass, silver, table and bed linen in owners quarters.
Should you need any further information before coming on, we will be glad to give it, and after it is decided which type would be selected, i.e., steel or composite, schooner or sloop rig, we will draw up specifications, etc. for you, and with as close an estimate as we can." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. Letter (copy) to Cormack, George A. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MR_75680. Measuring and Measurement Rules (Box 2), Folder B2F17, formerly MRDE15. 1912-07-31.)
① ②
"[Item Transcription:] [Penciled telegram notice:] Cannot arrange for meeting before Wednesday evening at Club House. Shall expect you to take dinner with as on that night. I am very glad you will visit the committee to settle everything definitely.
Sig. G. A. Cormack. [Incl envelope addressed to NGH on HELIANTHUS [I #288p], NYYC station, Ft of E 23rd St, N.Y.]" (Source: Cormack, George A. Correspondence (telegram notice) to N.G. Herreshoff. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MR_67930. Measuring and Measurement Rules (Box 1), Folder B1F01, formerly MRDE15. 1912-09-14.)
① ②
"[Item Description:] Penciled logbook notes documenting 5 outings on 'Monday 25' ('Foghorn bell' and home), 'Saturday 30' (to Newport[?] to 'follow races' and home), Sunday 31' (to Jamestown and home, Monday 1st' (to Watchhill and anchor inside breakwater) and on Tuesday[?] passing Cornfield, Middle Ground, Eatons Neck, Matinicock Pt. to 'Duncans'. Comparing these partial dates and events with NGH's diary shows these voyages to have taken place from Monday August 25, 1913 to Tuesday, September 2nd, 1913 on #288p HELIANTHUS I. On verso a penciled sketch showing profile of a large motor yacht, possibly a prelimary design for #377p ARA (but note that ARA is believed to have not been designed by NGH). With notes 'Length o.a. 160ft. w.l. 153ft. Beam 22 1/2[ft] …'. Calculations show a total displacement of 4320cuft. Also a midship section, apparently for this boat. With notes adjacent to this section 'PORTER' and weight calculations. (Possibly NGH was using #184p PORTER as a baseline for the design of the large motor yacht.). The sketch is undated and if it really shows ARA which was contracted for in 1920 somewhat difficult to reconcile with the dates of the events on recto." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Sketch. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE04_00570. Folder [no #]. No date (probably 1913-0-25 and later).)
① ②
"[Item Transcription:] The syndicate [for what will become #725s RESOLUTE] has been completed.
The members subscribing are Commodore Walters; Commodore J. P. Morgan; Commodore Baker; Commodore James and Commodore Bourne. A meeting of the syndicate will be held at Commodore Morgan's office, 15 Broad Street, on the morning of Wednesday, the 5rd of September, at eleven o'clock.
Will you please to arrange to be present at this meeting and would you bring the two models so that one may be selected?
The Conditions to govern the Match were signed to-day and I am sending them forward on Saturday's steamer.
If you should decide to spend Tuesday night in New York please to let me know and I will secure a room in the Club for you.
With best wishes, ... [Incl NGH draft reply dated August 28th 1913:] I have your most interesting letter of yesterday. You have a wonderfully good syndicate . All most enthusiastic yachtsmen.
But who will be manager? and have all to say about details? Someone who has the ability and experience in racing larger yachts that can give the whole summer to it?
Of course I will be pleased to meet the Syndicate, but I hope the manager will be named before that time.
I had a letter from Mr Pynchon (and you mentioned it also in you last) that he was also forming a syndicate for a second boat. Let me suggest to you what great advantage it would be to the cause if the two syndicates unite and both boats are in a way under one management. They could then have instructive tests every day while tuning up instead of only meeting a few times in prearranged races. Both boats and both crews would be greatly benefited so doing and much more fit when they enter the trial races.
At present I am uncertain if I will go to New York by train or in HELIANTHUS [#288p] but will let you know later. I will not take on the models. It will be much better to inspect here where other models can be seen at the same time, and a more serious study made, than possible than at the meeting in New York." (Source: Cormack, George A. (incl NGH reply). Letter to N.G. Herreshoff. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MR_24850. Subject Files, Folder 2, formerly 96-100. 1913-08-27.)
① ②
"[Item Description:] am sending you one of the new course protractors for [#288p] HELIANTHUS, I tried it out on the cruise on the [#712s] SPARTAN and found it really very satisfactory, how would a boat of the type of the 29 footer [Newport 29] I saw in Bristol the other day work out at 38-foot W.L.?" (Source: Duncan, W. Butler, Jr. Letter to N.G. Herreshoff. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MR_43250. Correspondence, Folder 93, formerly 127. 1914-08-11.)
① ②
"[Item Description:] Penciled pantograph hull sections with calculations for an unidentified power yacht titled 'Design for Cruising Power Yacht. 64ft 10 1/2in o.a. 60ft w.l. Spaces at tenths of w.l. referred to w.l. plane. NGH Aug 22, 1914'. With four displacement curves annotated 'Penciled line 7 1/2in above forward, 5in above aft', 'Light line 7 1/2in below forward 5in below aft', 'Designed w.l. (mean displ.)', 'HELIANTHUS #288 [#288p]', and 'Light'. This may be an early preliminary for what eventually became #299p HELIANTHUS II." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Pantograph Hull Sections. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE04_00640. Folder [no #]. 1914-08-22.)
"[Item Description:] Penciled dimensioned sketch on brown paper titled 'For holding chairs in Deck house of HELIANTHUS [#288p, #299p or #378p]'." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Sketch. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE11_02460. Folder [no #]. No date (between 1912 and 1921 ?).)
"[Item Description:] Penciled signed letter marked 'Copy' regarding specifications and modifications of Van Blerck(/) 6 cyl. Motor ordered for #288p HELIANTHUS I." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. Letter to W.H. Morton(?). Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MR_12240. Correspondence, Folder 36, formerly 191. 1915-05-28.)
① ②
"[Item Description:] Penciled sailplan titled 'Rig for HELIANTHUS #288. Scale 1/2in. June 1915'. With calculations arriving at a total sail area of 730sqft. (It is not clear if this sailplan was ever implemented.)" (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Sailplan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Acc. 2004.0001.0310. WRDT04, Folder 28, formerly MRDE09. 1915-06.)
① ② ③
"[Item Description:] [on Flagship Viking stationery:] I shall be glad to use #288p HELIANTHUS I to tow two 30 footers through the [Cape Cod] Canal, I imagine you will have no trouble taking two of your own [New York] 30s along at about 7 or 8 knots, looking forward to seeing you on the [NYYC] cruise" (Source: Baker, George F. Letter to N.G. Herreshoff. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MR_20120. Correspondence, Folder 56. 1915-07-24.)
"[Item Description:] Penciled dimensioned sketch on sans-serif 'Herreshoff Manufacturing Company. Bristol, R.I.' stationery titled 'Pulleys for Speedometer motion on HELIANTHUS [#288p]. Aug[ust] 15 1915. Full size' with note 'Not used. See drawing of smaller sizes'. " (Source: Herreshoff, N. G. (creator). Penciled Sketch. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Acc. 2004.0001.0566. WRDT08, Folder 44. 1915-08-15.)
① ②
"[Item Description:] Penciled dimensioned sketch on sans-serif 'Herreshoff Manufacturing Company. Bristol, R.I.' stationery titled 'Pulleys for Speedometer Drive. HELIANTHUS [#288p]. Aug[ust] 16 1914'. " (Source: Herreshoff, N. G. (creator). Penciled Sketch. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Acc. 2004.0001.0567. WRDT08, Folder 44. 1915-08-16.)
① ②
"[Item Description:] Penciled detail plan titled '4 Bearings for Speedmaster Drive on HELIANTHUS [#288p]. Full size. Sept[ember] 18, 1915'." (Source: Herreshoff, N. G. (creator). Penciled Plan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Acc. 2004.0001.0563. WRDT08, Folder 44. 1915-09-18.)
① ②
"[Item Description:] Penciled diagram titled 'Test of Stewart-Warner Speedometer # F94219-14. To be used on HELIANTHUS [#288p] as a speed and distance counter. To be connected to indicate twice the speed & distance. Sept. 29, 1915'." (Source: Herreshoff, N. G. (creator). Diagram. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Acc. 2004.0001.0565. WRDT08, Folder 44. 1915-09-29.)
① ②
"[Item Transcription:] [Handwritten (in ink) letter marked 'Copy':]
Henry A. Church Esq.
32 Summer Steet, Marblehead
My dear Mr. Church,
Referring to out conversation about HELIANTHUS [#288p] I have about decided [to] sell her, and my price for her is $12,000. --- which is just about two-thirds of what it would cost to replace her.
She is in very perfect condition throughout, as you well know.
As there is another man interested in her kindly let me hear from you soon. I am giving you first offer.
Yours very truly
N.G. H.
2nd letter sent to Box 3312 Boston, Sept. 10th." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. Letter (copy) to Henry A. Church. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MR_12190. Correspondence, Folder 36, formerly 191. 1916-08-30.)
"[Item Transcription:] Notice of Assignment of Official Number to Vessel
Department of Commerce
Bureau of Navigation
Port of Providence, R.I.
June 20, 1917
To the Owner or Master of the Ga[soline] Y[acht] HELIANTHUS [#288p] ...
... you are requested to carve or otherwise permanently mark upon the main beam of your vessel, in the manner indicated below, the following official number, viz:
No. 215243
and net tonnage, viz: 48 net.
[etc, etc]
Description of Vessel
Rig: gasoline twin screw yacht
Tonnage: 55 gross, 48 net
Horsepower ...: 84
Port of where owned: Bristol, R.I. ...
Official number awarded: 215243
Signal letters (if a sea-going vessel): LHKD." (Source: Dept. of Commerce (creator). Notice of Assignment. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MR_58740. Subject Files, Folder 91. 1917-06-20.)
① ②
"[Item Transcription:] Handwritten (in ink) trials booklet titled '1911. Trial Trips and Experiments'. Relevant contents:
§13: #288p HELIANTHUS I First Trial Run (1912-07-17)
§14: #288p HELIANTHUS I Trial Run (1912-08-03)
§21: #288p HELIANTHUS I First Trial Run with new Van Blerck engine (1915-07-03)." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator) and Herreshoff, A. Sidney deW. (creator). Trials Booklet. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE07_04280. Folder [no #]. 1911-06 to 1926-05.)
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳ ㉑ ㉒ ㉓ ㉔ ㉕ ㉖ ㉗ ㉘ ㉙ ㉚ ㉛ ㉜ ㉝ ㉞ ㉟ ㊱ ㊲ ㊳ ㊴ ㊵ ㊶ ㊷ ㊸ ㊹ ㊺ ㊻ ㊼ ㊽ ㊾ ㊿
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨
Note: This list of archival documents contains in an unedited form any and all which mention #288p Helianthus I even if just in a cursory way. Permission to digitize, transcribe and display is gratefully acknowledged.
Further Image Information
Created by: Anon.
Image Caption: "Helianthus July [8] 1914. Off Newport during Trial of Cup Defenders. Sidney [deW. Herreshoff], Agnes [Muller Herreshoff], Katherine & Tom Greene." [Inscribed on verso in period ink.]
Image Date: 1914-7-8
Collection: Herreshoff Marine Museum Collection.
Image is copyrighted: Yes, used with permission
Copyright holder: Herreshoff Marine Museum, Bristol, Rhode Island,
Further Image Information
Created by: Anon.
Image Caption: [Helianthus I. Bubble #285p at right. Photo of a photo in Herreshoff Family album, HMM No. 16191.]
Image Date: 1912 ?
Collection: Herreshoff Marine Museum Collection, acc. no. 16192.
Image is copyrighted: Yes, used with permission
Copyright holder: Herreshoff Marine Museum, Bristol, Rhode Island,
Further Image Information
Created by: Anon.
Image Caption: "Helianthus and Defiance in the fog off Newport July 1914." [Photo of a photo in Herreshoff Family album, HMM No. 16192. Inscribed in period handwriting on verso of a another copy of this photo in collection of the Herreshoff Marine Museum. The outline of the America's Cup defense candidate Defiance can be discerned ever so faintly in the fog close by the stern of Helianthus I.]
Image Date: 1914-7
Collection: Herreshoff Marine Museum Collection, acc. no. 16192.
Image is copyrighted: Yes, used with permission
Copyright holder: Herreshoff Marine Museum, Bristol, Rhode Island,
Further Image Information
Created by: Anon.
Image Caption: "Helianthus I, a successor to Roamer, about 1915."
Image Date: 1915 ?
Published in: Bray, Maynard and Carlton Pinheiro. Herreshoff of Bristol. Brooklin, Maine, 1989, p. 132 (bottom). (Also in: Jones, Gregory O. Herreshoff Sailboats. St. Paul, Minn., 2004, p. 93.)
Collection: Herreshoff Marine Museum Collection.
Image is copyrighted: Yes, used with permission
Copyright holder: Herreshoff Marine Museum, Bristol, Rhode Island,
Further Image Information
Created by: Anon.
Image Caption: [Helianthus I Construction Plan. Photo of a plan on display at the Herreshoff Marine Museum.]
Image Date: 1912-3-7
Collection: Herreshoff Marine Museum Collection.
Image is copyrighted: Yes, used with permission
Copyright holder: Herreshoff Marine Museum, Bristol, Rhode Island,
Further Image Information
Created by: Stebbins, Nathaniel L.
Image Caption: "Captain 'Nat' G. Herreshoff's Motor Yacht Helianthus. Stebbins Photo."
Negative Number: 21447
Image Date: 1912-8-14
Published in: New York Herald, December 21, 1914, p. 13.
Collection: Historic New England (SPNEA) Collection, GUSN 282123.
Image is copyrighted: No
1914 Lloyd's Register of American Yachts (#1269)
Name: Helianthus
Owner: N. G. Herreshoff; Port: Bristol, R.I.
Official no. 210121; Building Material Wood; Type & Rig K[eel], RD [Raised Deck], ScwStm [Screw Steamer]
Tons Gross 35; Tons Net 24; LOA 64-0; LWL 60-9; Extr. Beam 13-6; Depth 6-9; Draught 4-0
Sails made in [19]15; Sail Area 730
Builder Herreshoff Mfg. Co.; Designer N. G. Herreshoff; Built where Bristol, R.I.; Built when 1912
Engine Gas Eng. 4 St. 6 Cyl. 5 1/2 x 6; Maker Sterling
1915 List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S.
Name: Helianthus
Owner: Nathaniel G. Herreshoff; Port: Providence, R.I.
Official no. 210121; Type & Rig Ga.s. [Gasoline engine, screw]
Tons Gross 35; Tons Net 24; Reg. Length 60.5; Extr. Beam 12.7; Depth 6.7
Built where Bristol, R.I.; Built when 1912
1917 Lloyd's Register of American Yachts (#1276)
Name: Helianthus
Owner: N. G. Herreshoff; Port: Bristol, R.I.
Official no. 210121; Building Material Wood; Type & Rig K[eel], RD [Raised Deck], ScwStm [Screw Steamer], Sch[ooner]
Tons Gross 35; Tons Net 24; LOA 64-0; LWL 60-8; Extr. Beam 13-5; Depth 6-8; Draught 4-0
Sailmaker HmCo.; Sails made in [19]15; Sail Area 730
Builder Herreshoff Mfg. Co.; Designer N. G. Herreshoff; Built where Bristol, R.I.; Built when 1912
Engine Gas Eng. 4 Cyc. 6 Cyl. 5 1/2 x 6. 1915; Maker Van Blerck
1919 List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S.
Name: Helianthus
Owner: U.S. Navy
Official no. 210121; Type & Rig 1 screw
LWL 61.6; Extr. Beam 13.5; Depth 3.4
Builder Herreshoff Mfg. Co.; Built where Bristol, R.I.; Built when 1912
Engine Total indicated horspower on trial: 58
Note: Masts: 1; Fuel capacity: 680 gals; Officers: 1; Men: 12
Source: Various Yacht Lists and Registers. For complete biographical information see the Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné under Data Sources. Note that this section shows only snapshots in time and should not be considered a provenance, although it can help creating one.
From the 1920 and earlier HMCo Index Cards at the MIT Museum
- Note: The vessel index cards comprise two sets of a total of some 3200 cards about vessels built by HMCo, with dimensions and information regarding drawings, later or former vessel names, and owners. They were compiled from HMCo's early days until 1920 and added to in later decades, apparently by Hart Nautical curator William A. Baker and his successors. While HMCo seems to have used only one set of index cards, all sorted by name and, where no name was available, by number, later users at MIT apparently divided them into two sets of cards, one sorted by vessel name, the other by vessel number and greatly expanded the number of cards. Original HMCo cards are usually lined and almost always punched with a hole at bottom center while later cards usually have no hole, are unlined, and often carry substantially less information. All cards are held by the Francis Russell Hart Nautical Collections of the MIT Museum in Cambridge, Mass.
From the 1930s L. Francis Herreshoff Index Cards at the Herreshoff Marine Museum
- Note: The L. Francis Herreshoff index cards comprise a set of some 1200 cards about vessels built by HMCo, with dimensions and / or ownership information. Apparently compiled in the early 1930s, for later HMCo-built boats like the Fishers Island 23s or the Northeast Harbor 30s are not included. Added to in later decades, apparently by L. F. Herreshoff as well as his long-time secretary Muriel Vaughn and others. Also 46 cards of L. F. Herreshoff-designed vessels. The original set of index cards is held by the Herreshoff Marine Museum and permission to display is gratefully acknowledged.
From the 1953 HMCo Owner's List by L. Francis Herreshoff
Name: Helianthus
Type: 64' gasoline
Owner: N. G. Herreshoff
Year: 1912
Row No.: 274
Source: Herreshoff, L. Francis. "Partial List of Herreshoff-Built Boats." In: Herreshoff, L. Francis. Capt. Nat Herreshoff. The Wizard of Bristol. New York, 1953, p. 325-343.
From the 2000 (ca.) Transcription of the HMCo Construction Record by Vermilya/Bray
Year: 1912
E/P/S: P
No.: 288
Name: Hellianthus III
OA: 64"0"
Source: Vermilya, Peter and Maynard Bray. "Transcription of the HMCo. Construction Record." Unpublished database, ca. 2000.
Note: The transcription of the HMCo Construction Record by Peter Vermilya and Maynard Bray was performed independently (and earlier) than that by Claas van der Linde. A comparison of the two transcriptions can be particularly useful in those many cases where the handwriting in the Construction Record is difficult to decipher.
Research Note(s)
"Designed by NGH or SdeWH? NGH in his letter to W. P. Stephens dated August 31, 1935 states that all of his own yachts were also designed by him. Back of model notes that the model was made by Sidney." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. May 2, 2008.)
"Helianthus I was designed by NGH as indicated by a sketch with and profile and pantograph hull sections in the Halsey H. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum that was made by NGH on February 5, 1912 in Bermuda. The note on the back of the model that it was made by Sidney thus only refers to the making of the model, but not the actual design." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. January 14, 2019.)
"Date of contract as per NGH date February 21, 1912 in offset booklet HH.4.041 for Helianthus I." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. March 17, 2021.)
"Built in 117 days (contract to launch; equivalent to 372 lbs displacement/day)." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. January 15, 2025.)
"[Displacement 43500lbs.]" (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. Penciled note on pantograph hull sections taken off the original model in April 1912. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum.)
Note: Research notes contain information about a vessel that is often random and unedited but has been deemed useful for future research.
We are always interested in learning more about this vessel. If you want to discuss it or can share any additional information or images or to discuss a copyright concern, please do not hesitate to send an Email to the link below!
Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné.
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