HMCo #407s Bird

Type: Racing Catboat
Designed by: NGH
Contract: 1890-3-18
Launch: 1890-5-14
Construction: Wood
LOA: 19' (5.79m)
LWL: 16' (4.88m)
Beam: 7' 4" (2.24m)
Draft: 1' 4" (0.41m)
Rig: Cat
Sail Area: 430sq ft (39.9sq m)
Displ.: 760 lbs (345 kg)
Centerboard: yes
Ballast: None
Built for: Peet Jr., William
Amount: $500.00
Last year in existence: 1944 (aged 54)
Final disposition: Destroyed in about 1944 in a storm
Note: Particulars are primarily but not exclusively from the HMCo Construction Record. Supplementary information not from the Construction Record appears elsewhere in this record with a complete citation.

Model location: H.M.M. Model Room South Wall Center
Vessels from this model:
5 built, modeled by NGH
Original text on model:
"No. 407 BIRD 1890
NO. 410 MAB 1891
432 VIOLA 1892-3
441 ASIS (lengthened) 1894" (Source: Original handwritten annotation on model. Undated.)
Model Description:
"16' lwl Bird, centerboard catboat of 1890. Also, with minor modifications, 16'6" Mab of 1891, 17' lwl Viola of 1892, and 18' lwl Acis of 1894 --- centerboard catboats all." (Source: Bray, Maynard. 2004.)
Related model(s):
Model 1231 by NGH? (1890?); sail?, not built
Note: Vessels that appear in the records as not built, a cancelled contract, a study model, or as a model sailboat are listed but not counted in the list of vessels built from a model.
Offset booklet number(s): HH.4.067
Offset booklet contents:
#407, #410, #432, #441, #675 [16' w.l. catboat Bird, 16' 6" catboat Mab, 17' w.l. catboat Viola, 18' w.l. catboat Acis, 16' 4" wl catboat Caprice].
Offset Booklet(s) in Haffenreffer-Herreshoff Collection. Francis Russell Hart Nautical Collections, MIT Museum, Cambridge, Mass. (Restricted access --- see curator.)

List of drawings:
Drawings believed to have been first drawn for, or being first referenced to
HMCo #407s Bird are listed in bold.
Click on Dwg number for preview, on HH number to see at M.I.T. Museum.
Dwg 080-009 (HH.5.05912); Spars for 16'-8" Sail Boat (1889)
Dwg 077-005 (HH.5.05607); Bob Stay for 16'-8" Sail Boat (1889-07-05)
Dwg 060-001 (HH.5.04224): Center-Board Casing for 16' Cat-Boat (ca. 1890)
Dwg 060-002 (HH.5.04225): Center Board Casting for 15' Cat Boat (ca. 1890)
Dwg 064-001 (HH.5.04477): [Rudder for 16' Catboat] (ca. 1890)
Dwg 091-047 (HH.5.07317): List of Castings for 16' W.L. Racing Cat Boat (ca. 1890)
Dwg 096-012 (HH.5.07968): Sails > Sail for 16' W.L. Racing Cat Boat (ca. 1890)
Dwg 075-012 (HH.5.05402); Construction Dwg > 16' Waterline Racing Cat Boat for Lake Minnetonka [16' W.L., 7'-4" B., 1'-4" D.] (1890-04-09)
Dwg 130-001 (HH.5.10303): Sails > Racing Cat Boat for Wm. Peet Jr. 18 1/2' on Deck, 16' W.L. (1890-04-10)
Dwg 065-022 (HH.5.04618): Rudder Head and Stuffing Box for 16' Wl Racing Cat Boat (1890-04-12)
Dwg 080-012 (HH.5.05916); Spars, etc. - Racing Cat Boat 18 1/2' Deck, 16' W.L. (1890-04-27)
Dwg 077-007 (HH.5.05609); Boom Hangings for 16' Racing Catboat (1890-05-07)
Dwg 080-013 (HH.5.05917): Bowsprit for 16 Ft and 16 Ft 8" Sailboat (1890-07-02)
Dwg 096-019 (HH.5.07975): Sails > Sail for 16' W.L. Cat Boat Bird (1891-01-14)
Dwg 130-002 (HH.5.10304): Sails > Cat Boat "Bird" New Sails (1891-06 ?)
Dwg 096-039 (HH.5.07993): Sails > Sails for # 407 (1892-01-21)
Dwg 080-024 (HH.5.05928): Bowsprit for Bird No. 407 (1892-03-03)
Dwg 077-036 (HH.5.05639): For # 407 [Details] (1892-03-07)
Dwg 075-033 1/2 (HH.5.05423); Construction Dwg > [Acis # 441 on Moulds of # 407] (1894-02-06)
Dwg 065-027 (HH.5.04623): Rudder Head for 1 1/8" Stock Used for Bird (1896-03 ?)
Dwg 011-025 (HH.5.00951): Stern Bearing x Stuffing Box 3/4" Shaft. Bearing & Coupling (1902-03-17)
Dwg 076-080 (HH.5.05535); Construction Dwg > Racing Catboat, Moulds of # 407 (1907-06-24)
Note: The Haffenreffer-Herreshoff Collection is copyrighted by the Francis Russell Hart Nautical Collections of the MIT Museum in Cambridge, Mass. Permission to incorporate information from it in the Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné is gratefully acknowledged. The use of this information is permitted solely for research purposes. No part of it is to be published in any form whatsoever.
Nathanael G. Herreshoff
"[1890-04-08] Tue 8: Set up 16' sailboat for Wm. Peet, Jr. [#407s Bird].
[1890-05-14] Wed 14: Launched Bird (16' boat for Mr. Peet) [#407s].
[1890-05-16] Fri 16: Rigged and tried out Bird [#407s].
[1890-05-19] Mon 19: ... Unrigged Bird [#407s] and hauled out.
[1890-06-02] Mon 2: Shipped Bird [#407s] and L'Onda [#187404es?] to Minneapolis." (Source: Herreshoff, Nathanael G. Diary, 1890. Manuscript (excerpts). Herreshoff Marine Museum Collection.)
"M[ar]ch 30, 1890.
Light racing catboat for lake Minnetonka.
18 1/2' overall. 16' water line.
7'3" beam, 22" deep.
Scale of model 1/12.
Frame spaces 12" [center symbol] to [center symbol].
To have intermediate timbers zero of frame spaces 3" aft of outside of stem.
Deduct in making frames
for planking 7/16"
for timbers 13/16
Total 1 1/4"
Stem 1 5/8" thick, hackmatack.
Keel 1 5/8" deep, 5 3/4" wide. White oak.
Timbers 13/16" x 11/16". White oak.
Floor timbers 7/8" x 1 1/2". Hackmatack." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. [Note (in ink) in Offset Booklet HH.4.067.] Haffenreffer-Herreshoff Collection, MIT Museum, Cambridge, MA.)
L. Francis Herreshoff
"One of first Herreshoff's shipped west of Mississippi. ... Bird was sailed by [Ward C.] Burton [of Boston] until about '44 when she was destroyed in a storm." (Source: Herreshoff, L. Francis. "Kite." Vessel index card in the collection of the Herreshoff Museum, Bristol, R.I. No place, no date.)
Other Contemporary Text Source(s)
"... The Herreshoffs have had a very busy winter, and at present employ 105 men, and have $115,000 worth of contracts on hand, outside of projected government work. ... A 16-foot cat-boat [#410s Mab] has been built for a Boston gentleman, and another [unidentified one] for a New York gentleman. These boats are mates of the cat-boat Bird [#407s], which the Herreshoffs built last year and sent out to lake Minnetonka. The Bird was a very fast cat, and she beat everything on the lake, even boats in classes above her. She won eight races of ten, and in the other two she had disabling accidents while in the lead. Wilson & Silsby, of Boston, are now making her a suit of sails for a new jib and main sail rig. ... --- Boston Globe." (Source: Anon. "At Bristol, R.I." Rudder, March 1891, p. 32.)
The fifth championship regatta of the Minnetonka Y. C., of Lake Minnetonka, Minn., was sailed on July 2 over a 10 mile course --- the wind being light from the north. The winners in the various classes were White Wing, Bird, Idler and Ida. Bird is a Herreshoff boat." (Source: Anon. "Yacht News Notes." Forest and Stream, July 14, 1892, p. 35.)
The sloop Bird is owned by William Peet, Jr. She was designed and built by the Herreshoff M'fg Co., Bristol, R. I., and was launched in 1890. She was built specially for her present owner. Has never been altered, except in rig; has no cabin and hails from Lake Minnetonka, Minn.
Length over all, 19 feet.
Length load waterline, 16 feet
Draft, 1 foot 2 inches.
Beam, 7 feet 6 inches.
Number of races started, 22. Number of first prizes, 17. Of the five races lost three were caused by break-downs during the race, when in the lead; and the other two were caused by break-downs before the start, causing a handicap of 4 3/4 and 6 minutes, respectively." (Source: Mott, Henry Augustus. Yachts and Yachtsmen of America. New York, 1894, p. 464.)
"... There was much of an interesting nature, too, in the contest for championship honors between the second-class sloops. Races were won by W. T. Rolph’s Bird, built by Herreshoff several years ago, ..." (Source: Pegler, Arthur James. "Western Yachts and Designers." Outing Magazine, April 1897, p. 10.)
Archival Documents
"[Item Description:] Penciled construction plan with half-breadth plan and inboard profile titled '#403. 16ft 8in Sail boat (SABRINA [#187803es] model) for Dr. G. C. De Marini (CALYPSO). April 1889. Scale 1in = 1ft'. On verso three superimposed hull profiles, of which the shortest appears to be #403s SABRINA and the intermediate-length one appears to be related to #407s BIRD." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Plan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Acc. 2004.0001.0268. WRDT04, Folder 24, formerly MRDE08. 1889-04.)
① ② ③ ④
"[Item Transcription:] HMCo Plan N/A (96-46) [not in Hart Nautical Collections]. Ink on linen sail cutting plan titled 'Sail for 16 Feet W.L. Racing Cat Boat. Herreshoff Mfg. Co. Bristol, R.I.'. With detailed 'Directions to Sailmaker.
Sails made of very best heavy sheeting-bight.
Seams to be not more than 10 1/2 nor less than 7in apart.
Neat strong tabelings at corners and at reefs.
Nettles in Each Reef.
Put on cotton rope either sewed on or run through tabeling to make best job.
Loose line in leach not more than 3/32in dia.
Dimentions[sic] given are for sail when properly set after stretching.
Sweep on head and foot left to sailmakers judgment but suggest 5 1/2in on foot & 2in on head.
Leach rounded moderately.
Take great care to have sail neatly made and so it will set quite flat.
For 8 mast hoops 2 to lace and the upper hoop 7in below throat.
Sail will lace to gaff and boom but no grommet holes are needed as lace line will be sewed to rope.
Sail must come from loft clean and be packed so they will not get dirty in transportation.' Compare with HMCo Plan HH.5.10303 (130-001): Sail Plan > 'Racing Cat Boat Bird #407 for Wm. Peet Jr. 16ft-0in w.l.' from April 9, 1890 which shows identical dimensions." (Source: Herreshoff, N. G. (creator). Sail Cutting Plan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Acc. 2004.0001.0641. WRDT08, Folder 47. No date (ca 1890-04-10 ?).)
① ② ③
"[Item Description:] Penciled sailplan titled 'BIRD. 1891. o.a. 18ft 6in. w.l. 16ft 6in. Beam 9ft 4in.' Sail areas shown as 137sqft jib and 318sqft mainsail. #407s BIRD had been built in 1890. This sketch was apparently made for use as a base-line for the design of #416s ALPHA, the dimensions having been sent by ALPHA's co-owner Jacob F. Brown on October 10, 1891. See also sketch of TRUE BLUE made at the same time and in the same style. On verso of printed leaflet titled 'A New Era in Yachting. The Patent Catamaran, or Double Huleed Boat' from may 1st, 1877." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Sailplan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE03_05240. Folder [no #]. 1891.)
① ②
"[Item Transcription:] [Typewritten letter on 'Jacob F. Brown. Wool Commission Merchant. 158 Federal St. Boston' stationery:] Gentlemen:-
Herewith are dimensions of TRUE BLUE and EUREKA:
TRUE BLUE Over all 20.6. W.L. 18, Beam 11. Mast extreme above deck 31.6.
Mainsail:- Luff 22. Head 19.6. Foot 27. Leach 38.9, angle of peak 68 degrees.
Jib:- Luff 50, Foot 17.6. Leach 25.
EUREKA Over all 25.2. W.L. 20.6. Beam 10. Mast extreme above deck 31.
Mainsail:- Luff 22. Head 19. Foot 29. Leach 39.8, angle of peak 62 degrees.
Jib:- Luff 31.3. Foot 20.6. Leach 24.
I send you with this Hull Club Book and samples of the best 'Duck' Wilson & Silsby have for boats sails each sample is marked. We have found that sails roped with Cotton rope do not give as good satisfaction as where Hemp is used. But this and everything else we wish to leave to your good judgement. I would suggest that it might be well to get out the spars as soon as possible, so that they would dry out all they could before being used.
I enclose a letter just received from my brother relative to the BIRD [#407s] also send a Photo, of the BIRD that you might like to see. The Memo on the back is from Mr. Peet. I would like you to return the Photo, when you are through with it. From this it seems that the only races they are pushed are in moderate [p. 2] weather and the only races they lost are when they broke down. We do not want to lose any this way if it can be helped.
If there is any information I can help you to, at this end, shall be always glad to hear from you. Truly, ... [This was apparently sent in preparation to the design of #416s ALPHA whose contract had been recorded a day before this letter was written]." (Source: Brown, Jacob F. Letter to N.G. Herreshoff. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDW02_01830. Folder [no #]. (1891)-10-10.)
① ②
"[Item Description:] Typewritten and penciled table with data for 'Date of Order', '[Hull] No.', 'Name', 'Length on W.L.', 'Beam', 'Draft', 'Rig', 'Keel or Centerboard Keel', 'Ballast' for #400s CONSUELO, #401s ROMP, #402s CLARA, #403s CALYPSO, #404s COQUINA, #405s ALICE, #406s IRIS, #407s BIRD, #408s PELLICAN[sic], #409s GANNET, #410s MAB, #411s GLORIANA, #412s DILEMMA, #413s SAYONARA, #414s WASP, #415s WENONAH, #416s ALPHA, #417s DRUSILLA, #418s EL CHICO, #419s COQUINA 2ND, #420s REAPER and #421s BEE. Undated (data until 1891 is typewritten, thereafter penciled, suggesting that the table was prepared in January 1892 before EL CHICO, the first boat with a penciled year, was contracted for)." (Source: Herreshoff Manufacturing Co. (creator). Construction Record Table. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDW02_04530. Folder [no #]. No date (1892-01 ?).)
"[Item Transcription:] [Typewritten (carbon copy) memorandum:] For BIRD [#407s].
New suit of Sails same as last, of Egyptian Cotton. New Mast, Boom and Gaff.
New set of shrouds, turn buckles and preventer stays, (mast made to suit.) Spreaders for shrouds, tackles and plates for preventers. New running rigging. Halliards to be of wire rope if it can be obtained. (Blocks to fit.) To be ready for shipment 1st week in March.
[With penciled addition:] Bowsprit & bobstay." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Memorandum. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDW02_02700. Folder [no #]. 1892-01-08.)
"[Item Description:] Untitled, penciled table providing data for L (WLW), D (Displacement in Tons net), T (measurement tens[? or tons?], S (Sail area), L * sq-rt(S) / 15* cube-rt(D), L * sq-rt(S) / 18* cube-rt(D), and (sq-rt(S) + L) / 2 on the X-axis for the following boats: DILEMMA [#412s], 2 1/2 rater [apparently #415s WENONAH], 35ft E.D. Morgan [#417s DRUSILLA], GANNET [#409s], PELICAN [#408s], ALICE [#405s], CLARA [#402s], CONSUELO [#400s], COQUINA [#404s], BIRD [#407s], 21' [#???s], GLORIANA [#411s], 46 Rodgers [#414s WASP], GRACIE, KATRINA, SHAMROCK, and HURON. Two penciled tables on verso: One showing max speed in miles and kots and wind required for lengths ranging from 35 to 80ft, the other appearing to show required wind speeds for max hull speeds for boats ranging from 30 to 80ft. On envelope labeled 'Immediate. United States Weather Report.' Undated, but postmarked 'Jan 19, 1892.'" (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Table. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MR_72740. Measuring and Measurement Rules (Box 2), Folder B2F04, formerly MRDE15. No date (1892-01-19 or later).)
① ②
Note: This list of archival documents contains in an unedited form any and all which mention #407s Bird even if just in a cursory way. Permission to digitize, transcribe and display is gratefully acknowledged.
Further Image Information
Created by: Anon. ("GfK").
Image Caption: "Bird."
Image Date: 1890----1894
Published in: Mott, Henry Augustus. Yachts and Yachtsmen of America. New York, 1894, p. 459.
Image is copyrighted: No
Further Image Information
Created by: Bray, Kathy.
Image Caption: "Bird."
Image Date: 2007
Image is copyrighted: Yes, used with permission
Copyright holder: Kathy Bray.
1893 Manning's American Yacht List (#2452)
Name: The Bird
Owner: William Peet, Jr.; Club(s): 10, 119; Port: Lake Minnetonka, Minn.
Type & Rig Open Cat[boat]
LOA 19.0; LWL 15.11.75; Extr. Beam 7.3; Draught 1.4
Builder Herreshoff Mfg. Co.; Designer Herreshoff Mfg. Co.; Built where Bristol, R. I.; Built when 1890
Note: 1891, length'd 6in. on deck by Herreshoff Mfg. Co.
Source: Various Yacht Lists and Registers. For complete biographical information see the Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné under Data Sources. Note that this section shows only snapshots in time and should not be considered a provenance, although it can help creating one.
From the 1920 and earlier HMCo Index Cards at the MIT Museum
- Note: The vessel index cards comprise two sets of a total of some 3200 cards about vessels built by HMCo, with dimensions and information regarding drawings, later or former vessel names, and owners. They were compiled from HMCo's early days until 1920 and added to in later decades, apparently by Hart Nautical curator William A. Baker and his successors. While HMCo seems to have used only one set of index cards, all sorted by name and, where no name was available, by number, later users at MIT apparently divided them into two sets of cards, one sorted by vessel name, the other by vessel number and greatly expanded the number of cards. Original HMCo cards are usually lined and almost always punched with a hole at bottom center while later cards usually have no hole, are unlined, and often carry substantially less information. All cards are held by the Francis Russell Hart Nautical Collections of the MIT Museum in Cambridge, Mass.
From the 1931 HMCo-published Owner's List
Name: Bird
Type: Cat
Length: 16'
Owner: Peet, William, Jr.
Source: Herreshoff Manufacturing Company. "A Partial List of Herreshoff Clients." In: Herreshoff Manufacturing Company. Herreshoff Yachts. Bristol, Rhode Island, ca. 1931.
From the 1930s L. Francis Herreshoff Index Cards at the Herreshoff Marine Museum
- Note: The L. Francis Herreshoff index cards comprise a set of some 1200 cards about vessels built by HMCo, with dimensions and / or ownership information. Apparently compiled in the early 1930s, for later HMCo-built boats like the Fishers Island 23s or the Northeast Harbor 30s are not included. Added to in later decades, apparently by L. F. Herreshoff as well as his long-time secretary Muriel Vaughn and others. Also 46 cards of L. F. Herreshoff-designed vessels. The original set of index cards is held by the Herreshoff Marine Museum and permission to display is gratefully acknowledged.
From the 1953 HMCo Owner's List by L. Francis Herreshoff
Name: The Bird
Type: 15' 11" open cat
Owner: William Peet, Jr.
Year: 1890
Row No.: 680
Source: Herreshoff, L. Francis. "Partial List of Herreshoff-Built Boats." In: Herreshoff, L. Francis. Capt. Nat Herreshoff. The Wizard of Bristol. New York, 1953, p. 325-343.
From the 2000 (ca.) Transcription of the HMCo Construction Record by Vermilya/Bray
Month: Mar
Day: 18
Year: 1890
E/P/S: S
No.: 0407
Name: Bird
LW: 16'
B: 7' 4"
D: 1' 4"
Rig: Cat
CB: y
Ballast: none
Built for: Wm. Peet, Jr.
Amount: $500.00
Last Name: Peet, Jr.
First Name: Wm.
Source: Vermilya, Peter and Maynard Bray. "Transcription of the HMCo. Construction Record." Unpublished database, ca. 2000.
Note: The transcription of the HMCo Construction Record by Peter Vermilya and Maynard Bray was performed independently (and earlier) than that by Claas van der Linde. A comparison of the two transcriptions can be particularly useful in those many cases where the handwriting in the Construction Record is difficult to decipher.
Research Note(s)
"Bird's owner, William Peet Jr., was the son of William Peet, a co-founder of both the Atlantic and the Brooklyn Yacht Clubs." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. March 18, 2011.)
"Built in 57 days (contract to launch; equivalent to $9/day, 13 lbs displacement/day)." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. January 15, 2025.)
"[Sail area 430sqft.]" (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Table. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum. Measuring and Measurement Rules (Box 2), Folder B2F04, formerly MRDE15. No date (1892-01-19 or later).)
"[760 lbs actual weight on May 12, 1890 before launching.]" (Source: Herreshoff, N. G. Added note in design booklet entry dated March 28, 1890.)
Note: Research notes contain information about a vessel that is often random and unedited but has been deemed useful for future research.
We are always interested in learning more about this vessel. If you want to discuss it or can share any additional information or images or to discuss a copyright concern, please do not hesitate to send an Email to the link below!
Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné.
All rights reserved. No reproduction, adaptation, or distribution of any part of this document or any information contained herein by any means whatsoever is permitted without prior written permission. For the full terms of copyright for this document please click here. Last revision 2025-01-15.
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