Herreshoff #187701es Arion (No 4)
Type: Catamaran
Designed by: NGH
Finished: 1877-7-5
Construction: Wood
LOA: 31' 10" (9.70m)
Beam: 18' 2" (5.54m)
Rig: Gaff Sloop
Built for: N/A [Party at Watch Hill, R. I.]
Note: Particulars are primarily but not exclusively from the HMCo Construction Record. Supplementary information not from the Construction Record appears elsewhere in this record with a complete citation.
Nathanael G. Herreshoff
"N. G. Herreshoff Coconut Grove, Fla. Bristol, R.I. May 22 1929. {1929/05/22} Dear Francis, ... The first catamarans I built after [p2] the "Ameryllis", had somewhat fuller bows, - on deck and also w.l. The lee boat when depressed into the water w'ld generate a beautiful great wave [Drawing] quite high up and roll of into two divergent breaking [Drawing] lines of waves - After the 3rd boat of this model I lengthened the hulls a little forward and fined the whole bow, with marked improvment, apparently under all conditions." (Source: Mystic Seaport Museum, L. Francis Herreshoff Collection, Box 17, Folder 5: Letter from N. G. Herreshoff to L. F. Herreshoff.)
"Feb. 3, 1936
Dear Mr. Stephens -
... Yes, - AMARYLLIS was my first catamaran, and [I] contrived it while I was with Corliss Steam Engine Co. I had charge of starting up the great (at that time) Corliss Engine at the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia in 76 and after being there for about a fortnight to instruct the regular engineers, I took a furlough and came home to try out the double-boat that John had nearly completed for me. The next year I made many improvements that I patented and got another leave of absence from Mr. Corliss to try building catamarans, and built JOHN GILPIN, TEAZER & (?) [ARION] on orders at $750 each and TARANTELLA for myself. I hired my own men and worked hard myself turning all out in less than 3 months; but it was a losing job and I went back to Corliss' in the fall. I sold TARANTELLA, and built LODOLA in 1879 and used her several years with great pleasure.
Yours sincerely,
Nathl. G. Herreshoff" (Source: Letter 19. From N. G. Herreshoff to W. P. Stephens, dated February 3, 1936. In: Herreshoff, Nathanael Greene and William Picard Stephens. "Their Last Letters 1930-1938." Annotated by John W. Streeter. Bristol, R. I., ca. 1999, p. 133-134.)
L. Francis Herreshoff
"... the success of the 'Amarylis' induced Captain Nat to build other catamarans, so that in the year 1877 he again got leave from the Corliss Company and went to Bristol where, working in J. B.'s shop with the help of workmen, he built the four catamarans, 'John Gilpin,' 'Teaser,' 'Tarantula,' and one whose name I do not know. They were all thirty-one feet long and I believe all quite similar." (Source: Herreshoff, L. Francis. The Wizard of Bristol. The Life and Achievements of Nathanael Greene Herreshoff, together with An Account of Some of the Yachts he Designed. New York, 1953, p. 78.)
Other Contemporary Text Source(s)
"A catamaran boat called 'Arion,' built by Mr. Herreshoff for a party at Watch Hill, R. I., was completed on the 5th inst." (Source: Anon. "Local Affairs." Bristol Phoenix, July 14, 1877, p. 2.)
Archival Documents
"[Item Description:] Penciled construction detail plan on smudged and creased paper titled 'N.G. Herreshoff. Bristol. Bolts for arms. Nos. 2 [#187703es JOHN GILPIN (No 2)] - 3 [#187705es TEASER (No 3)] - 4 [#187701es ARION (No 4)] - 5 [#187704es TARANTELLA (No 5)] - 6 [#187801es DUPLEX (No 6)] - 7 [#187805es ZARIFA (No 7)] - Hunkers[?] - 8 [#187903es LODOLA (No 8)]'. With notes '8 - 5/8in bolts (4 - 12 3/4in long, 4 - 15 1/4in long' and 'bolts bent to this angle' and 'short ones straight. All drilled for 7/32in bolts' and '1/4in for #1232' [indicating that this plan was also used in 1933 to build AMARYLLIS II]. On verso more unidentified penciled sketches and calculations. Undated (1877, with additions in 1878, 1879 and 1933)." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Detail Plan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item WRDT03_00120. Folder [no #]. No date (between 1877-04 and 1877-07 with additions in 1878, 1879 and 1933).)
① ②
"[Item Description:] Penciled construction detail plan on smudged and creased paper titled 'Centreboard hanging for TARANTELLA. [In blue pencil:] Nos. 2 [#187703es JOHN GILPIN (No 2)] - 3 [#187705es TEASER (No 3)] - 4 [#187701es ARION (No 4)] - 5 [#187704es TARANTELLA (No 5)] - [in red pencil:] 6 [#187801es DUPLEX (No 6)] - 7 [#187805es ZARIFA (No 7)]'. With burnt hole --- probably when the plan came too close to the forge when making these parts. Undated (1877, with additions in 1878)." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Detail Plan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item WRDT03_00150. Folder [no #]. No date (between 1877-04 and 1877-07 with additions in 1878).)
"[Item Description:] Penciled construction detail plan on smudged and creased paper titled 'Tillerstick TARANTELLA [#187704es]'. With notes 'Hickory tiller' and '[in blue pencil:] # 2 [#187703es JOHN GILPIN (No 2)] - 3 [#187705es TEASER (No 3)] - 4 [#187701es ARION (No 4)] - 5 [#187704es TARANTELLA (No 5)] - [In red pencil:] 6 [#187801es DUPLEX (No 6)] - 7 [#187805es ZARIFA (No 7)] - 8 [#187903es LODOLA (No 8)]'. With further notes in red pencil '15in long for # 8 [LODOLA]' and '15in for # 8. The two made together 120deg apart'." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Detail Plan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item WRDT03_00190. Folder [no #]. No date (between 1877-04 and 1877-07 with additions in 1878 and 1879).)
"[Item Description:] Penciled construction detail plan on smudged and creased paper titled 'TARANTELLA [#187704es]. Ap[ril] 1877'. With notes 'Mast' and 'Back bone. Spruce 2in x 4in' and 'Iron 2in wide 1/4in thick 15in long' and 'One of this to be made into A' and '[in blue pencil:] # 2 [#187703es JOHN GILPIN (No 2)] - 3 [#187705es TEASER (No 3)] - 4 [#187701es ARION (No 4)] - 5 [#187704es TARANTELLA (No 5)] - [In red pencil:] 6 [#187801es DUPLEX (No 6)] - 7 [#187805es ZARIFA (No 7)] - 8 [#187903es LODOLA (No 8)]'. With further notes in red pencil 'Without eyes and strops for # 8 [LODOLA]'." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Detail Plan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item WRDT03_00250. Folder [no #]. 1877-04 (with additions in 1878 and 1879).)
"[Item Description:] Penciled construction detail plan on smudged and creased paper titled 'Mast. TARANTELLA [#187704es]. Apr[il] 1877. Mast heel step'. With note '[In blue pencil:] Nos. 2 [#187703es JOHN GILPIN (No 2)] - 3 [#187705es TEASER (No 3)] - 4 [#187701es ARION (No 4)] - 5 [#187704es TARANTELLA (No 5)] - [In red pencil:] 6 [#187801es DUPLEX (No 6)] - 7 [#187805es ZARIFA (No 7)] - [In pencil:] Hunkers[?] [In red and black pencil:] - 8 [#187903es LODOLA (No 8)]'. With further notes in pencil ''3/8in steel. 7/16 iron. 1/2 for nos 6 and 7 [and] 8]' and Bobstay' and 'One of this' and 'Norway iron'. With a burned hole which looks like a forged part was held too close to the drawing to see if the correct angle had been forged. " (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Detail Plan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item WRDT03_00170. Folder [no #]. 1877-04 ( with additions in 1878 and 1879).)
"[Item Description:] Penciled construction detail plan on smudged, rolled and creased paper titled 'Ironwork, Catamarans 2 [#187703es JOHN GILPIN], 3 [#187705es TEASER], 4 [#187701es ARION], 5 [#187704es TARANTELLA]'. Shown are forged bales and other fittings, also two metal pulley blocks. Part of a roll of seven 1870s catamaran drawings on very brittle brown paper that was too fragile to unroll and inspect. Undated, JOHN GILPIN is believed to have been was launched in June 1877." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G.. (creator). Penciled Drawing. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item WRDT03_00082. Folder [no #]. No date (before 1877-06).)
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"[Item Description:] Penciled construction detail plan on brown paper titled 'Amidships joint. Catamarans nos. 2 [#187703es JOHN GILPIN (No 2)] - 3 [#187705es TEASER (No 3)] - 4 [#187701es ARION (No 4)] - 5 [#187704es TARANTELLA (No 5)] in 1877 - 6 [#187801es DUPLEX (No 6)] - 7 [#187805es ZARIFA (No 7)] - Hunkers[?] in 1878 - 8 [#187903es LODOLA (No 8)] [in] 1879'. (Undated, filed with other plans from 1877 for TARANTELLA, but style and condition of this plan plus reference to modern ball joint pattern 12252 from August 1933 indicate that NGH created this plan in 1933 for #1232s AMARYLLIS 2)." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Detail Plan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item WRDT03_00200. Folder [no #]. No date (1933-08 ?).)
Note: This list of archival documents contains in an unedited form any and all which mention #187701es Arion (No 4) even if just in a cursory way. Permission to digitize, transcribe and display is gratefully acknowledged.
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Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné.
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