Herreshoff #187805es Zarifa [Zarefa] (No 7)


Name: Zarifa [Zarefa] (No 7)
Type: Catamaran
Designed by: NGH
Delivered: 1878-7-29
Construction: Wood
LOA: 33' (10.06m)
Beam: 18' 6" (5.64m)
Rig: Leg-O-Mutton Sloop
Built for: Herreshoff, N. G. [sold to Alfred S. Hall (San Francisco)]

Note: Particulars are primarily but not exclusively from the HMCo Construction Record. Supplementary information not from the Construction Record appears elsewhere in this record with a complete citation.


Nathanael G. Herreshoff

"[1878-02-28] Thu 28: [From Cash Account in 1878 NGH diary:] [Paid] A. S. Almy in full for [work on] catamaran hulls no 6 [#187801es Duplex] & 7 [#187805es Zarifa] $60.19.
[1878-07-15] Mon 15: [From Cash Account in 1878 NGH diary:] [Received] R[e]c[eive[d] [from] R[obert] Hall draft, 1st payment for cat[amaran] no. 7 [#187805es Zarifa] $300
[1878-07-22] Mon 22: [From Cash Account in 1878 NGH diary:] [Received] R[e]c[eive[d] [from?] O[?] Strout[?] final payment on catamaran no. 7 [#187805es Zarifa] sold to R[obert] Hall by t[w?]o drafts of [$]300 and 447. Coll[?] due[?] strout[?] $12 acct[?]. Final payment $700. Delivery to N[ew] Y[ork] 34. $735.
[1878-07-23] Tue 23: [From Cash Account in 1878 NGH diary:] [Paid] Deposit Nat. E. Bank drafts [$]747 [payment received for catamaran no. 7 #187805es Zarifa].
[1878-07-29] Mon 29: [From Cash Account in 1878 NGH diary:] [Paid] Freight of no. 7 catamaran [#187805es Zarifa] to New York. $37." (Source: Herreshoff, Nathanael G. Diary, 1878. Manuscript (excerpts). Herreshoff Marine Museum Collection.)

Other Contemporary Text Source(s)

"... The catamaran now building by Mr. Herreshoff is about thirty feet long. ...[Note: Apparently a reference to Zarifa which N. G. Herreshoff built to compete in the New York Bay Regatta, but sold to San Francisco instead.]" (Source: Anon. "Yachting Notes." New York Herald, March 26, 1878, p. 5.)

"... The seventh catamaran, which Mr. Herreshoff had built expressly for the New York Bay Regatta [to be held on June 27, 1878], he has sold to a Gentleman in San Francisco, and, as she has to be shipped immediately, he cannot enter her for this race. [Note: A reference to Zarifa. Note, that it would have well been possible for Herreshoff to compete in the New York Bay Regatta on June 27, 1878 and then ship the catamaran to San Francisco, as the Abner I. Benyon which eventually brought the catamaran there, was still loading at Pier 19 on the East River on July 10, 1878 and left New York on August 16, 1878 to arrive in San Francisco on January 6, 1879.]" (Source: Anon. (R. F. Coffin?). "Yachting Notes." The World, June 26, 1878, p. 8.)

"A catamaran boat just completed for a party in San Francisco, California, was sent on Monday [July 29, 1878] evening last by steamer A . C. Barstow, to New York, from whence it is to be shipped to the Pacific coast." (Source: Anon. "Locals." Bristol Phoenix, August 3, 1878, p. 2.)

"A catamaran, brought out from the East on the ship Abner J. Benyon, has been put together at California City, and is said to be the fastest thing under sail afloat. She made nineteen miles an hour while in the East." (Source: Anon. "San Francisco Items." The Fresno Republican, Fresno, California, February 1, 1879, p 4.)

"The catamaran, recently imported on the ship Abner J. Benyon, has been doing some fast sailing lately. She made the run from California City to Red Rock in five minutes. On one of her trips she came up with and passed the steamer San Rafael. The dimensions of the catamaran are as follows. Each boat is 33 feet long and 2 1/2 beam. The boats are sixteen feet apart, which gives the full beam 21 feet. While in service in the East she is said to have made 22 miles an hour. She is owned by Mr. Hall, of the firm of Howe & Hall. [Note: A reference to Zarifa, the catamaran built by N. G. Herreshoff in 1878 for the New York Bay Regatta, which had been shipped to San Francisco prior to the regatta. Howe & Hall was a loan brokerage company which Alfred S. Hall owned together with Leonard W. Howe.]" (Source: Anon. "San Francisco Items." The Fresno Republican, Fresno, California, February 8, 1879, p 4.)

"... The S. F. Y. C. fleet left San Francisco on June 7 [1879], under Commodore Harrison, for a cruise up the bay to Martinez for a couple of days. The annual cruise to Napa Creek comes off on July 8, extending to the 7th. All the club yachts and a number of invited yachting clubs will participate. Several new yachts are being built in San Francisco, of which we shall have a description shortly. The annual regatta of the club comes off August 3. The members are puzzled what to do with the catamaran Zarefa in their race. They can't classify her satisfactorily. ..." (Source: Anon. (C. P. Kunhardt?). "San Francisco Yacht Club." Forest and Stream, June 26, 1879, p. 407.)

"This craft is built with all the latest improvements, the hulls being connected with beams provided with a ball and socket at the point of connection. A centre beam is linked in the middle, allowing both hulls freedom to play independently. By these means the strain upon the beams is greatly relieved. The hulls are 33 ft. long, 2 ft. beam and 16 ft. apart. She is a full-rigged sloop. The length of her boom is 28 ft., which is nearly the length of the hull, and her jib is nearly as large as her mainsail. Her draught, with about six persons on board, is not above 12 inches. The Zarifa is owned by Mr. Robert Hall, and is enrolled in the San Francisco Yacht Club, Commodore Harrison." (Source: Anon. "Yachting Foam. Catamaran Zarifa" Brentano's Monthly, August 1879, p. 468.)

Archival Documents

"[Item Description:] Penciled construction detail plan on smudged and creased paper titled 'N.G. Herreshoff. Bristol. Bolts for arms. Nos. 2 [#187703es JOHN GILPIN (No 2)] - 3 [#187705es TEASER (No 3)] - 4 [#187701es ARION (No 4)] - 5 [#187704es TARANTELLA (No 5)] - 6 [#187801es DUPLEX (No 6)] - 7 [#187805es ZARIFA (No 7)] - Hunkers[?] - 8 [#187903es LODOLA (No 8)]'. With notes '8 - 5/8in bolts (4 - 12 3/4in long, 4 - 15 1/4in long' and 'bolts bent to this angle' and 'short ones straight. All drilled for 7/32in bolts' and '1/4in for #1232' [indicating that this plan was also used in 1933 to build AMARYLLIS II]. On verso more unidentified penciled sketches and calculations. Undated (1877, with additions in 1878, 1879 and 1933)." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Detail Plan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item WRDT03_00120. Folder [no #]. No date (between 1877-04 and 1877-07 with additions in 1878, 1879 and 1933).)

"[Item Description:] Penciled construction detail plan on smudged and creased paper titled 'Centreboard hanging for TARANTELLA. [In blue pencil:] Nos. 2 [#187703es JOHN GILPIN (No 2)] - 3 [#187705es TEASER (No 3)] - 4 [#187701es ARION (No 4)] - 5 [#187704es TARANTELLA (No 5)] - [in red pencil:] 6 [#187801es DUPLEX (No 6)] - 7 [#187805es ZARIFA (No 7)]'. With burnt hole --- probably when the plan came too close to the forge when making these parts. Undated (1877, with additions in 1878)." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Detail Plan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item WRDT03_00150. Folder [no #]. No date (between 1877-04 and 1877-07 with additions in 1878).)

"[Item Description:] Penciled construction detail plan on smudged and creased paper titled 'Tillerstick TARANTELLA [#187704es]'. With notes 'Hickory tiller' and '[in blue pencil:] # 2 [#187703es JOHN GILPIN (No 2)] - 3 [#187705es TEASER (No 3)] - 4 [#187701es ARION (No 4)] - 5 [#187704es TARANTELLA (No 5)] - [In red pencil:] 6 [#187801es DUPLEX (No 6)] - 7 [#187805es ZARIFA (No 7)] - 8 [#187903es LODOLA (No 8)]'. With further notes in red pencil '15in long for # 8 [LODOLA]' and '15in for # 8. The two made together 120deg apart'." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Detail Plan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item WRDT03_00190. Folder [no #]. No date (between 1877-04 and 1877-07 with additions in 1878 and 1879).)

"[Item Description:] Penciled construction detail plan on smudged and creased paper titled 'TARANTELLA [#187704es]. Ap[ril] 1877'. With notes 'Mast' and 'Back bone. Spruce 2in x 4in' and 'Iron 2in wide 1/4in thick 15in long' and 'One of this to be made into A' and '[in blue pencil:] # 2 [#187703es JOHN GILPIN (No 2)] - 3 [#187705es TEASER (No 3)] - 4 [#187701es ARION (No 4)] - 5 [#187704es TARANTELLA (No 5)] - [In red pencil:] 6 [#187801es DUPLEX (No 6)] - 7 [#187805es ZARIFA (No 7)] - 8 [#187903es LODOLA (No 8)]'. With further notes in red pencil 'Without eyes and strops for # 8 [LODOLA]'." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Detail Plan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item WRDT03_00250. Folder [no #]. 1877-04 (with additions in 1878 and 1879).)

"[Item Description:] Penciled construction detail plan on smudged and creased paper titled 'Mast. TARANTELLA [#187704es]. Apr[il] 1877. Mast heel step'. With note '[In blue pencil:] Nos. 2 [#187703es JOHN GILPIN (No 2)] - 3 [#187705es TEASER (No 3)] - 4 [#187701es ARION (No 4)] - 5 [#187704es TARANTELLA (No 5)] - [In red pencil:] 6 [#187801es DUPLEX (No 6)] - 7 [#187805es ZARIFA (No 7)] - [In pencil:] Hunkers[?] [In red and black pencil:] - 8 [#187903es LODOLA (No 8)]'. With further notes in pencil ''3/8in steel. 7/16 iron. 1/2 for nos 6 and 7 [and] 8]' and Bobstay' and 'One of this' and 'Norway iron'. With a burned hole which looks like a forged part was held too close to the drawing to see if the correct angle had been forged. " (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Detail Plan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item WRDT03_00170. Folder [no #]. 1877-04 ( with additions in 1878 and 1879).)

"[Item Description:] Penciled construction detail plan on smudged, rolled and creased paper titled 'stem and sternpost. Catamarans Nos. 6 [#187801es DUPLEX] and 7 [#187805es ZARIFA]. 1878'. Part of a roll of seven 1870s catamaran drawings on very brittle brown paper that was too fragile to unroll and inspect." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G.. (creator). Penciled Drawing. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item WRDT03_00086. Folder [no #]. 1878 (before 1877-06).)

"[Item Description:] Penciled construction detail plan on brown paper titled 'Amidships joint. Catamarans nos. 2 [#187703es JOHN GILPIN (No 2)] - 3 [#187705es TEASER (No 3)] - 4 [#187701es ARION (No 4)] - 5 [#187704es TARANTELLA (No 5)] in 1877 - 6 [#187801es DUPLEX (No 6)] - 7 [#187805es ZARIFA (No 7)] - Hunkers[?] in 1878 - 8 [#187903es LODOLA (No 8)] [in] 1879'. (Undated, filed with other plans from 1877 for TARANTELLA, but style and condition of this plan plus reference to modern ball joint pattern 12252 from August 1933 indicate that NGH created this plan in 1933 for #1232s AMARYLLIS 2)." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Detail Plan. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item WRDT03_00200. Folder [no #]. No date (1933-08 ?).)

Note: This list of archival documents contains in an unedited form any and all which mention #187805es Zarifa [Zarefa] (No 7) even if just in a cursory way. Permission to digitize, transcribe and display is gratefully acknowledged.


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Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné.
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Citation: Herreshoff #187805es Zarifa [Zarefa] (No 7). Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné. https://herreshoff.info/Docs/ES187805_Catamaran_eventually_for_Alfred_S_Hall.htm.