Model No. 716: Buzzards Bay 12 1/2
Model by: NGH
Made when: October 1914 (ca.)
Stated model scale: 1/10
Model length (ca.): 18.6" (47.2cm)
Implied vessel LOA at 1/10 (ca.): 15' 6" (4.7m)
Power/Sail: S
Vessel Type: Buzzards Bay 12 1/2 Footer (100); Seawanhaka Fish Class (26); 12 1/2 Footer (211); Fish Class (Mattapoisett) (1); Warwick Fish Class (10); Fish Class Marconi (4); Larchmont 12 1/2 Footer (7); Bulls Eye 12 1/2 Footer (15); Fishers Island 12 1/2 Footer (8); Marlin Cruiser (4); 12 1/2 Footer (North Haven Foxeye) (16); Fishers Island 12 1/2 Footer (Improved Model) (5); 12 1/2 Footer (Improved Model?) (2)
Hull Configuration: Keel
Model location: H.M.M. Model Room North Wall Right
Vessels from this model:
409 built, modeled by NGH
Original text on model:
"12 1/2' Buzzards Bay boy class 24 boats 1915 scale 1/10 size three [sic, i.e. four? #806, #813, #815, #817?] boats 1916
16' w.l. Oyster Bay "Fish Class" 23 boats 1916 scale 1/12 size sections 1/13 lengths 3 1/2 added at bow on deck" (Source: Original handwritten annotation on model. Undated.)
Model description:
"12'-1/2' lwl Buzzards Bay 12 1/2-class of 1915, HMCo's most popular creation with some 360 boats produced. Also, with change in scale and proportionally longer bow, the Fish class sloops of 1916 and beyond." (Source: Bray, Maynard. 2004.)
Model discussion:
"Bristol, R.I.
Oct. 10, 1914
Dear Bob,
I have your interesting letter of yesterday. I was to write you yesterday but somehow missed it.
I have made a model for the little boats, in which I got quite interested. But you are not 'in it' as to beam! [Apparently Bob Emmons had suggested a different, probably wider, beam.] After I got at it I decided there would be an advantage in having considerable flare to topsides, and have kept the extreme breadth at six feet.
The model looks very nice and I am well pleased with it, and think you will be. I have taken more draft, however, 30in, and I don’t think it any too much. Of course it can be reduced if really necessary, but it would take away from the weatherliness of the boat.
I have made another design [Model 210] for Mr. Tod [#742s Katoura Jr], [of] much lighter displacement to be better carried on his davits.
I will get the thing sketched out in a few days.
George Nichols was here Thursday talking about a class for his club. [These were precursory talks about what would become the Seawanhaka Coringthian Yacht Club's Fish Class that was eventually built in 1916.]
Yours sincerely,
Nath’l G. Herreshoff." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. Letter to Emmons, Robert W. Herreshoff Marine Museum Correspondence, Folder 36 (new), 191 (old). Access courtesy of Halsey C. Herreshoff. October 10, 1914.)
"... restricted. The original plans/offsets for [the] Buzzards Bay 12 1/2 foot-class (#744) ... were purchased in 1948 by Cape Cod Shipbuilding Co., of Wareham, MA." (Source: Hasselbalch, Kurt and Frances Overcash and Angela Reddin: Guide to The Haffenreffer-Herreshoff Collection. Francis Russell Hart Nautical Collections, MIT Museum, Cambridge, Mass., 1997, p. 21.)
Model identification:
"See also model in M.I.T. Hart Nautical Collection: Buzzards Bay 12 1/2 foot-class, #744, Painted model; Size: 5"x16"; Acc. No.: XA2-1(1)." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. 2008.)
Related model(s):
Model 0716 by NGH (1914?); sail, 409 built from
Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné.
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Citation: Herreshoff Model 716 Buzzards Bay 12 1/2. Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné.