Herreshoff #186604es Haidee II [Hajdee]


Name: Haidee II [Hajdee]
Type: Sloop
Designed by: NGH
Launch: 1866
Construction: Wood
LOA: 35' (10.67m)
LWL: 32' (9.75m)
Rig: Sloop
Centerboard: yes
Built for: Powell, Dr. S.

Note: Particulars are primarily but not exclusively from the HMCo Construction Record. Supplementary information not from the Construction Record appears elsewhere in this record with a complete citation.


Model number: 3107
Model location: N/A (Missing, nonexistant or unidentified model)

Vessels from this model:
4 built, modeled by NGH
#186601es Ariel [Arial] (1866)
#186602es Falcon (1866)
#186604es Haidee II [Hajdee] (1866)
#186606es Violet (1866)

Note: This model is missing, is nonexistant or has not been identified. The number of vessels built from it is only an estimate based on similar features, such as dimensions, rig, machinery, etc.


Nathanael G. Herreshoff

"Haidee [#186604es]: 35ft Length on deck. 13ft Breadth extreme. 4ft 5in Depth. 7ft Width of stern. 37ft 8in Mainsail foot. 25ft Mainsail hoist. 21ft Mainsail head. 32ft 5in Mainsail leech. 24ft 4in Jib foot. 38ft Jib hoist. 29ft Jib leech. 25ft 6in Gafftopsail foot. 28ft 6in Gafftopsail luff. 19ft 6in Gafftopsail leech. 29ft Jibtopsail foot. 50ft Jibtopsail hoist. 26ft 3in Jibtopsail leech. 300sqft Jibtopsail area." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. and/or other Herreshoff family members. Handwritten table listing early Herreshoff-built boats and their dimensions up to 1870. No date (1870 or later). Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum, MRDE03.)

"HAIDEE 2nd, ARIAL, VIOLET, PSYCHE, and FANNIE were built the following winter [1865/1866] by Herreshoff and Stone. Neither of these boats made a brilliant record the first year, but were very [well] liked and approved [of] when in the hands of later owners." (Source: Herreshoff, N. G. "Boats and Yachts that I have been Especially Interested in by Sailing and Some of Which I Have Owned." Bristol, April 1932. In: Pinheiro, Carlton J. (ed.). Recollections and Other Writings by Nathanael G. Herreshoff. Bristol, 1998, p. 103.)

"Late that summer [1865], I made the model for boats that Herreshoff and Stone had orders for the next spring [1866], and were for first, [the] catboat FANNIE I, [a] twenty-one foot waterline catboat, then for HAIDEE II, ARIEL, and VIOLET, all thirty-five feet on deck and thirty-two feet waterline." (Source: Herreshoff, N. G. "The Old Tannery and My Brother John." Written July 28, 1933. In: Pinheiro, Carlton J. (ed.). Recollections and Other Writings by Nathanael G. Herreshoff. Bristol, 1998, p. 22.)

"For the following year [1866], I made models for three thirty-six foot overall sloops, HAIDEE 2nd, ARIAL, and FALCON, the last for one of my father's fishing gangs, and also for a twenty-three foot overall, twenty-one foot waterline catboat for Captain Benjamin Gibbs. Those craft were very satisfactory and with fair speed, but not quite unexcelled. It is funny, but they appeared to improve as they grew older. ... The following summer, 1866, John had an order from Mr. Edward Dexter for a thirty-five foot sloop [VIOLET], and she was built on the same molds as the three sloops just mentioned, except the bilges were made a little fuller, giving more breadth at the waterline and was, without doubt, an improvement. However, on trial, it was found KELPIE 2nd was a little faster than VIOLET to windward, although smaller. To prevent John and Dexter Stone (they were in partnership then) [from] using this model any more, I took an axe and cut it up, then went to work and made a new model for a same sized sloop yacht." (Source: Herreshoff, N. G. "Some of the Boats I Have Sailed In." Written 1934. In: Pinheiro, Carlton J. (ed.). Recollections and Other Writings by Nathanael G. Herreshoff. Bristol, 1998, p. 47.)

Archival Documents

"[Item Description:] Handwritten (in ink and pencil) table providing what amounts to be the earliest Herreshoff construction record with detailed dimensional data (Name, Owner, Length on deck, Length on water, Breadth extreme, Depth, Deadrise per foot, Width of stern, Sheer, Freeboard at bow, stern and lowest place, Centreboard length, Centreboard from woodends, Centre of mast from woodends, Bowsprit out board, Mainsail foot, hoist, head, leech, and area, Foresail foot, hoist, head, leech, and area, Jib foot, hoist, leech, and area, Gafftopsail foot, luff, leech, and area, Fore-gafftopsail foot, luff, leech, and area, Jibtopsail foot, hoist, leech, and area and Notes ) for Julia [#185602es], Sprite [#186001es], Kelpie 1st [#186301es], Magic [#186404es], Toad [#186411es], Prudence [#186406es], Patience [#186405es], Hope [#186402es], Faith [#186401es], Qui Vive [#186407es], Kelpie 2nd [#186403es], Teazer [#186410es], Secret [#186408es], Fish Boats [#186505es, #186506es, #186507es, #186508es, #186509es, #186510es, #186511es, #186512es], Fish Boats [#186513es, #186514es, #186515es, #186516es, #186517es, #186518es], Fanchon [#186501es], Angie [#186503es], Haidee [#186604es], Ariel [#186601es], Psyche [#186605es], Fannie 1st [#186603es], Violet [#186606es], Fish Boats [#186607es, #186608es], Fish Boats [#186609es, #186610es, #186611es, #186612es, #186613es, #186614es], Lively Whale [later Daisy ???] [#186707es ???], Fannie 2nd [#186702es], Hartford [later Polly ???] [#186703es ???], Sadie [#186704es], Clytie [#186701es], Waterfall [N/A], Bristol [#186801es], Ione [#187003es], Poppasquash [#186502es], Etta [N/A], Oysterboats [#186710es, #186711es], Spring Green [#186709es], Pellican [#186708es], Henrietta [N/A], Meteor [N/A], Fatter[?] [N/A], Annie Moies [#1p], Charlotte [#186803es], Annie [#186905es], Hildegard [#186808es], Thetis [#186705es], Clio [#187101es], Fleetwing [N/A], White Straw[?] [N/A], [Mignone] [#186904es], Fish Boats [square stern, 1868] [N/A], Sadie [#N/A (dupl. listing)], Fannie [N/A], Bunsby [#186802es], Orion [#186903es], Breeze [N/A], Nimbus [#186805es], Alice [crossed out, this MIGHT be Bessie] [#187001es], Viking [#187008es], [Ianthe] [#187002es], [Surf] [#187007es], [Georgie Miller] [#187011es], and [Pink] [#187010es]. Undated, the latest vessel on the list was built in 1870." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (?) (creator) or other Herreshoff family members (?) (creator). Construction Record. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE03_01410. Folder [no #]. No date (ca 1870).)

Note: This list of archival documents contains in an unedited form any and all which mention #186604es Haidee II [Hajdee] even if just in a cursory way. Permission to digitize, transcribe and display is gratefully acknowledged.


From the 1930s L. Francis Herreshoff Index Cards at the Herreshoff Marine Museum
  • Note: The L. Francis Herreshoff index cards comprise a set of some 1200 cards about vessels built by HMCo, with dimensions and / or ownership information. Apparently compiled in the early 1930s, for later HMCo-built boats like the Fishers Island 23s or the Northeast Harbor 30s are not included. Added to in later decades, apparently by L. F. Herreshoff as well as his long-time secretary Muriel Vaughn and others. Also 46 cards of L. F. Herreshoff-designed vessels. The original set of index cards is held by the Herreshoff Marine Museum and permission to display is gratefully acknowledged.
From the 1953 HMCo Owner's List by L. Francis Herreshoff

Name: Hajdee II
Type: [N/A]
Owner: Dr. S. Powell
Year: 1866
Row No.: 264

Source: Herreshoff, L. Francis. "Partial List of Herreshoff-Built Boats." In: Herreshoff, L. Francis. Capt. Nat Herreshoff. The Wizard of Bristol. New York, 1953, p. 325-343.

Research Note(s)

"Is Haidee 1866 identical to Haidee 1875? Note, that the American Yacht List 1890/91 says Haidee 1875 was built by Herreshoff & Stone, providing a strong indication that this is Haidee 1866. But: Only LFH lists Haidee 1866." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. May 2, 2008.)

Note: Research notes contain information about a vessel that is often random and unedited but has been deemed useful for future research.


We are always interested in learning more about this vessel. If you want to discuss it or can share any additional information or images or to discuss a copyright concern, please do not hesitate to send an Email to the link below!

Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné.
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Citation: Herreshoff #186604es Haidee II [Hajdee]. Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné. https://herreshoff.info/Docs/ES186604_Haidee_II_Hajdee.htm.