HMCo #193p Nina

Later Name(s): Irene (1903-1912), Josephine (1913-1921), Laurion (1921-1935), Placida [Placidia] (1935-1938)
Type: Steam Yacht
Designed by: NGH
Contract: 1897-2-19
Launch: 1897-6-28
Construction: Wood
LOA: 99' (30.18m)
LWL: 83' (25.30m)
Beam: 13' 6" (4.11m)
Draft: 5' 3" (1.60m)
Displ.: 45.5 short tons (41.2 metric tons)
Propulsion: Steam, Herreshoff, 285 h.p. Triple exp., 3 cyl. (6 1/4" & 10" & 16" bore x 9" stroke)
Boiler: Square Water Level
Propeller: Diameter 36"
Built for: Emery, Charles G.
Note(s) in HMCo Construction Record: Flush deck yacht. Cabin for'd. 1905 new boiler [from Plan] 43-52.
Last year in existence: 1938 (aged 41)
Final disposition: Destroyed in hurricane of September 21, 1938 in Newport, RI.
Note: Particulars are primarily but not exclusively from the HMCo Construction Record. Supplementary information not from the Construction Record appears elsewhere in this record with a complete citation.

Model location: H.M.M. Workshop West Wall Left
Vessels from this model:
10 built, modeled by NGH
Original text on model:
"173 75' wl KALOLAH 1893
175 83' wl LOUISE 1893
178 65' wl EUGENIA 1894
179 90' wl NECKAN 1894
182 69 1/2' wl EUGENIA 1895
186 69 1/2' wl VACUNA 1897
189 83' wl KATRINA 1897
193 83' wl NINA [1]898
205 83' wl EUGENIA 1900
208 85' wl FLORENCE 1900" (Source: Original handwritten annotation on model. Undated.)
Note: Vessels that appear in the records as not built, a cancelled contract, a study model, or as a model sailboat are listed but not counted in the list of vessels built from a model.

List of drawings:
Drawings believed to have been first drawn for, or being first referenced to
HMCo #193p Nina are listed in bold.
Click on Dwg number for preview, on HH number to see at M.I.T. Museum.
Dwg 085-030 (HH.5.06616): Plates to Strengthen [sic] Rail for Davits and Awning Stanchion for Str. No. 161 (1890-03-31)
Dwg 067-039 (HH.5.04768): Forward Sheaves and Straps for Steering Chain, Str. 163 (1890-06-14)
Dwg 006-036 (HH.5.00535): 40" Propeller, 48" x 42" Pitch (1893-01-30)
Dwg 068-007 (HH.5.04811): Gear Box for Str. 179 (1894-01-30)
Dwg 068-006 (HH.5.04810): Forward Sheaves and Straps for Str. 179 (1894-02-15)
Dwg 044-041 (HH.5.03497): Detail for Boiler, Str. 182 (1894-10-12)
Dwg 008-013 (HH.5.00712): Shaft for Str. # 189 (1896-11-11)
Dwg 091-018 (HH.5.07287.1): Strs. # 189 and 193 [Rigging] (ca. 1897)
Dwg 119-042 (HH.5.09760); General Arrangement > Steamer No. 189 - 193, 99' O.A.L., 83' W.L., 5'-3" Draft (1897-01 ?)
Dwg 005-022 (HH.5.00257): General Arrangement > Arr'g't, Yacht - Stm, 99' O.A., 83' W.L., 5'-3" Draft (1897-01-18)
Dwg 030-018 (HH.5.02231): Docking Plan for # 189 & # 193 (1897-06-16)
Dwg 043-042 (HH.5.03392): Boiler for # 189 "Katrina" & "Irene" # 193 & 189 (1899-12-18)
Dwg 048-016 (HH.5.03657): Deck Hood over Boiler # 189 as Changed (1900-03-31)
Dwg 045-023 (HH.5.03533): Boilers Drums for # 193 Irene (Made for Inspector) (1905-04-15)
Dwg 008-080 (HH.5.00779): Tail Shaft for "Nina" (1936-10-20)
Note: The Haffenreffer-Herreshoff Collection is copyrighted by the Francis Russell Hart Nautical Collections of the MIT Museum in Cambridge, Mass. Permission to incorporate information from it in the Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné is gratefully acknowledged. The use of this information is permitted solely for research purposes. No part of it is to be published in any form whatsoever.
Nathanael G. Herreshoff
[1897-02-19] Fri 19: Have order for st[eame]r like #189 [Katrina] now building. [This is apparently a reference to #193p Nina.]
[1897-03-10] Wed 10: ... Moved #481 [Spalpeen] aux. [ketch] to west end of shop & laid keel for #184 [sic; #184 is Porter, already delivered. Is this a reference to #193p Nina?]. ...
[1897-03-13] Sat 13: ... Began setting up st[eame]r #184 [sic; judging from the ensuing sequence of events this is probably a reference to #193p Nina (#184p Porter had already been finished earlier that year)].
[1897-03-22] Mon 22: Began planking No 184 [sic; probably #193p Nina (#184p Porter had already been finished earlier that year)]. ...
[1897-05-04] Tue 4: ... Move st[eame]r #193 [Nina] to w[est] end of shop. Started engine in Katrina [#189p].
[1897-06-05] Sat 5: Put engine & boiler[?] tanks into #193 [Nina]. ...
[1897-06-28] Mon 28: Launched st[eame]r #193 'Nina'.
[1897-07-02] Fri 2: Tried Nina (#193) and also [torpedo boat] Dupont [#185p] (U.S. # 7). ...
[1897-07-08] Thu 8: Trial of Nina [#193p]. ...
[1897-09-28] Tue 28: Calumet rolled over and fill[ed] at cove & [was] raised by [derrick barge] Archer. [The Bristol Phoenix of October 1, 1897 reported that the steam yacht Calumet which had fallen off the marine railway at Walker's Cove had been righted the same afternoon by the steam derrick Archer. The 1896 American Yacht List shows the 83.9ft LOA steam yacht Calumet ex-Lancetet as having been built by Wood Bros. of Ogdenburgh, NY in 1879 and now being owned by Charles G. Emery. HMCo had just built for Charles G. Emery the steam yacht #183p Nina and apparently HMCo had taken or would take Calumet in part payment for Nina. Subsequent Bristol Phoenix reports show Calumet to have been sold in February 1898 by the Herreshoffs to a Dr. W.H. Keyes of New York who intended to use the yacht to run a summer concert company but failed, leading to the yacht being auctioned off by the U.S. Marshal in late June 1898.] Mr. Morgan here & left Katrina [#189p]." (Source: Herreshoff, Nathanael G. Diary, 1897. Manuscript (excerpts). Herreshoff Marine Museum Collection.)
Other Contemporary Text Source(s)
"BOSTON, May 1 [1897]. --- ... Two other steamers of about the same size [as Katrina #189p] are under construction in the shops, and will soon be launched. One is for Charles G. Emery of Ogdensburg [Nina #193p], for use among the Thousand Islands, and the other for T. A. Gillespie [Jean #194p], for use in the same waters. The Gillespie boat is intended, however, for more speed, and is only 12 feet beam on 100 feet water line, and will make eighteen or twenty miles an hour. ..." (Source: Anon. "Trial of the Cockatoo. Herreshoff's Knockabout Built for C.S. Eaton Sails Well." New York Times, May 2, 1897, p. 4.)
"Nina, screw steamer, of NY.
Built at Bristol, RI, by Herreshoff Manufacturing Co.
35.74 tons; 92.2 ft. x 13.7 ft. x 7.9 ft. [Register length x breadth x depth.]
One deck, two masts, overhanging head, overhanging stern.
Surveyed and measured, June 22, 1897." (Source: U.S. Customs Department, Bristol, R.I. Custom House Record Book, 1870s to 1904 (Collection of the Herreshoff Marine Museum), s.v. Nina.)
"The steam yacht Nina was launched at Herreshoffs last evening at 6 o'clock. The owner is C. G. Emery of St. Lawrence and the boat is to go to tbe St. Lawrence river. She is 116 feet overall, 98 feet water line, 14 feel beam and 6 feet draught. She was christened by Miss M. Louisa Young, daughter of secretary C. W. Young of the Herreshoff Manufacturing company." (Source: Anon. "News and Notes of Local Interest." Bristol Phoenix, June 29, 1897, p. 2.)
"[Abstract of register or enrollment. Pos. 686:]
Nina, steam screw yacht, of Bristol.
Built at Bristol, 1897.
35.74 tons; 92.2 ft. x 13.7 ft. x 7.9 ft. [Register length x breadth x depth.]
One deck, two masts, overhanging head [bow].
Enr[olled] and Lic[ensed] ([as] yacht) June 28, 1897. Owner: Herreshoff Manufacturing Company of Bristol. Master: N. G. Herreshoff, Bristol.
Surrendered [license] July 12, 1897 at New York. ([Record at:] C[ustom] H[ouse, Providence])." (Source: Survey of Federal Archives, Work Projects Administration. Ships Documents of Rhode Island. Bristol. Ship Registers and Enrollments of the Port of Bristol - Warren Rhode Island, 1941, s.v. Nina.)
"The Herreshoffs have just accomplished two interesting feats, which go to show how by constant practice chance is made surety. In former days, when a speedy boat was intended it sometimes was speedy and more often was not; while an especially fast plan could not be reproduced. But today speed in a boat is guaranteed as readily as is the right construction of a house. As if to go yet another step in progress the firm up the river now constructs a boat, and so sure is it of meeting requirements that it does not even take the trouble to run the engines until the bearings are worn down, which is an engineering surprise for many. Before being put to their crucial test the boats are run barely long enough to see that all connections are right, and then full power is called for.
Two weeks ago [sic, i.e. on June 28, 1897] a 100-foot yacht for the St. Lawrence river was launched, and on the first day steam was raised in her boilers she reeled off 15 7/8 knots on her official trial. She was constructed for C G Emory, and was named the Nina [#193p]. ... The firm has constructed something like twenty new yachts this season, and has about three hundred men now at work.
Many persons have turned in their old yachts when receiving new ones, and in consequence the firm is the owner of quite a navy. ..." (Source: Anon. "At The Herreshoff Yard. Quick As Well As Accurate Work In Turning Out Boats." Newport Journal, July 24, 1897. Reprinted in: Bristol Phoenix, July 27, 1897, p. 1.)
"... Mr. Emery sold his old Herreshoff boat, the 'Nina' to Mr. A. R. Peacock, who named her 'Irene'. ..." (Source: Dale, Martin. "The Thousand Islands Yacht Club." Town and Country, July 22, 1905, p. 24.)
"No. 577 --- For Sale --- Well-known steam yacht on the Lakes, very reasonably as owner has larger boat. 99.2x83x13.7x5.3 ft. Oak frames, pine planking. Best of construction. Designed and built by Herreshoff. Awnings new last year. Carries 1,000 gal. of water. Two boats. Three double staterooms. Bathroom. Four toilet rooms. Dining saloon on deck. Very comfortable crew's quarters. 6 ft. 2 in. headroom throughout. Triple-expansion Herreshoff engine. Large ice-box. Herreshoff water-tube boilers. Most complete electric light plant. Maximum speed 16 miles, average 13 1/2. Most complete equipment in every way. Boat can be purchased very reasonably. For full particulars apply to Tams, Lemoine & Crane, 52 Pine Street, New York City. [Though not explicitly identified, the dimensions match only two Herreshoff-built steam yachts: #189p Katrina and #193p Nina. Of these two, only Nina was based on Lakes. In addition, it is known that Nina had a change in ownership around 1910 or 1911.]" (Source: Anon. "For Sale." Rudder, March 1911, p. 227.)
"ALBANY, N Y, July 20 [1935]. --- Towed by a tug, the 38-year-old steam yacht which John Jacob Astor III has purchased in contemplation of cruises with his wife and their new-born son was moving slowly down the Hudson River tonight to be completely reconditioned in New York City.
The white-hulled yacht, named The Laurion, cost $80,000 when it was built by the Herreshoff boat yards at Bristol, R I, but young Astor said he paid only $1000 for it. It was acquired from M. Crouse Clock of Syracuse.
The trim clipper-bowed vessel, towed by a 40-foot power launch, left Clayton last Tuesday night and was brought down Lake Ontario to the barge canal with her masts unstepped and her funnels and bowsprit removed.
At Albany, a tug took charge for the remainder of the trip down the Hudson. Before the coal-burning engine can be put into service, installation of a new boiler will be necessary.
Astor, announcing purchasing of the boat in New York City last Tuesday, remarked that 'coal and steam were good enough for my father and they will do for me.' " (Source: Anon. "Astor Heir, Parents To Cruise On Yacht. Craft to Be Reconditioned at New York for Trip." Boston Globe, July 21, 1935, p. A33.)
"Only minor repairs, which can be done by the crew, are necessary to put steam yacht Placida, which belongs to John Jacob Astor, in condition, it was revealed Thursday. Two of the tubes blew out Wednesday afternoon, when Mr. and Mrs. Astor were taking their first sail on the 38-year old craft, formerly the Laurion. While none of the passengers or crew were in danger, the happening, off Prudence island, required the yacht to be towed back to her anchorage off the New York Yacht Club, and for Mr. and Mrs. Astor and their guests to return in another boat.
Mr. Astor boarded the yacht this noon for an inspection, but did not disclose his plans when he returned. Captain William Champion of this citry was master of the craft during the short cruise Wednesday afternoon, when the accident to the boilers took place. The yacht has no regular captain as yet, and Captain Champion served for the time being. ...
The craft, which was originally built at the Herreshoff plant in Bristol in 1897, at a cost of $30,000 was bought by Mr. Astor for $1,000 from Mr. Crouse Clock of Syracuse, N.Y. New York steamboat inspectors required some changes to be made before issuing a license." (Source: Anon. "Astor's Steam Yacht Rendered Helpless. Only Minor Repairs Needed to Put Placida in Condition. Owner and Guests were on Board on Short Cruise when Accident to Boiler Happened." Newport Daily News, September 5, 1935, p. 2.)
Other Modern Text Source(s)
(later Irene, Josephine, Laurion)
The Nina was one of the trimmest Steam Yachts that graced the Thousand Islands. The people of Clayton had a special affection for her, because she was originally owned by Mr. Charles Goodwin Emery of Calumet Island. She was later named the Irene by her second owner, Mr. Alexander Peacock of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, then the Josephine by her third owner, Mr. Edmund Stevenson Burke of Cleveland, Ohio, and then Laurion by her fourth owner, Mr. M. Crouse Klock of Syracuse, New York. Her Registration Number was 130743.
In the 1920 Lloyd's Register of American Yachts, she is listed as the Josephine with information as follows: Net Tons, 35; Gross Tons, 52; Overall Length, 99' 3"; Waterline Length, 83'; Beam, 13' 9"; Depth, 7' 10"; Draft, 5' 4". She was designed by Mr. Nathaniel G. Herreshoff and built by the Herreshoff Manufacturing Company at Bristol, Rhode Island in 1897. Construction was of wood. She was powered by one 3-cylinder Triple Expansion Steam Engine, 6 1/4", 10" , and 16" of bore and 9" of stroke. She had a 1905 Water Tube Boiler. (This boiler must have replaced the original Herreshoff Water Tube Boiler.) The engine was a product of the Herreshoff concern. At this time she was owned by Mr. Burke. Her Home Port was Alexandria Bay, New York, her Port of Registry, Cape Vincent, New York.
In appearance, the Nina was generally like the other Herreshoff yachts with clipper bow and long fantail stern. However, she had no bridge. The steerer was located on the deck, just forward of the deckhouse. She had ample power and probably cruised at nearly 12 M.P.H. We might add that the particular series of Herreshoff yachts to which the Nina belonged had the owner's quarters forward and the crew's quarters aft, the opposite of the traditional arrangement.
We imagine that the Mr. Peacock became the Nina's owner about 1902, as Mr. Emery's large yacht, Calumet, was built that year. We think that the ownership was transferred to Mr. Burke around 1910. Mr. Peacock's new yacht, Irene II, was constructed in 1910.
Mr. Klock purchased the yacht from Mr. Burke in 1921, and she was returned to the Clayton area. When in commission, she was moored at the dock of his Summer home on Bartlett Point. When not in use, she was stored in the yachthouse off the head of Picton Island. This had been built for her by Mr. Emery. Mr. Klock last fitted out the boat for an Autumn trip down the Lower St. Lawrence and return, probably in 1925.
In the Summer of 1935, Mr. Klock sold the yacht to Mr. John Jacob Astor of New York City, younger brother of Mr. Vincent Astor IV, a noted yachtsman. They were descendents of Mr. John Jacob Astor (1763-1848) a German-born American fur trader and 'capitalist.' Her boiler had failed to pass inspection in 1930, which spoiled a sale at that time. Thus, Mr. Astor had her towed to New York. We have no details, but assume that he either repaired the boiler or replaced it and refitted the yacht. He probably gave her another name.
We later learned that the Nina had been destroyed on Long Island Sound during the terrific storm which swept the East Coast in September 1938. That same storm was felt severely in this locality." (Source: Mercier, Gilbart B. Pleasure Yachts of the Thousand Islands. Clayton, New York, 1981, s.v. "Nina".)
"Registry and Rig Information
Vessel Name: NINA
Nationality: U.S.
Official Number: 130743
Rig: Steam Yacht
Dimensions and Tonnage
Length: 99.16
Width: 13.58
Depth: 7.75
Masts: 0
Gross Tonnage: 52.00
Net Tonnage: 35.00
Hull Material: Wood
Vessel History
Rebuilds: Converted to gas fishing craft, 1937.
Disposition: Foundered, Newport, RI, September 21, 1938.
Build Information
Builder: Herreshoff Manufacturing Co.
Place Built: Bristol, RI
Year Built: 1897
Name Changes
Name; Date; Registry; Official Number
IRENE; 1903 - 1913; U.S.; 130743
JOSEPHINE; 1913 - 1922; U.S.; 130743
LAURION; 1922 - 1936; U.S.; 130743
PLACIDIA; 1936 - 1938; U.S.; 130743." (Source: Bowling Green State University (publisher). Great Lakes Vessels Online Index, s.v. "Nina.", retrieved June 2, 2015.)
Archival Documents
"[Item Description:] Handwritten (in ink) trial run note titled 'Runs made by St[eame]r NINA [#193p]. July 8th 1897. P.M' showing data for starboard and port engine for twelve times and four runs (up, down, up, down) concluding with penciled calculation arriving at an average speed of 12.91kn = 14.88 miles." (Source: Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE03_03810. Trial Run Note. Folder [no #]. 1897-07-08.)
"[Item Transcription:] Handwritten (in ink and pencil) trials booklet 'Herreshoff Mfg. Co. Experiments & Trial Trips. 1890. N.G. Herreshoff'. Relevant contents:
§42: #193p NINA Preliminary Trial Run (1897-07-02)
§43: #193p NINA Official Trial Run (1897-07-08)." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Trials Booklet. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE07_02260. Folder [no #]. 1890-01 to 1898-08.)
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳ ㉑ ㉒ ㉓ ㉔ ㉕ ㉖ ㉗ ㉘ ㉙ ㉚ ㉛ ㉜ ㉝ ㉞ ㉟ ㊱ ㊲ ㊳ ㊴ ㊵ ㊶ ㊷ ㊸ ㊹ ㊺ ㊻ ㊼ ㊽ ㊾ ㊿
① ② ③ ④
"[Item Description:] Results of tensile material tests relating to steam boilers for #178p MARJORIE ex-EUGENIA I, #267p ENAJ, 2 unknown yachts, #193p IRENE ex-NINA, HMCo stock, #161p REPOSO, #261 WAVE, HMCo stock." (Source: MIT Museum, Hart Nautical Collections, Haffenreffer-Herreshoff Collection Item HH.6.110. Boiler Tests. Box HAFH.6.3B, Folder Boilers - Tensile Tests and Affidavits. 1904-09 to 1911-01.)
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳
"[Item Description:] Four handwritten (in ink) pages with tabulated data listing 'Shop No', 'Name', '[Tons] Gross' and '[Tons] Net' for a total of 100 HMCo-built boats and classes. Tonnage data is usually precise to two digits behind the decimal. Random comparisons suggest source of tonnage data to be official Custom House data. Boats mentioned are: #664s, #663s, #625s, #665s, #634s, #658s, #657s, #646s, #641s, #617s, #626s Class, #624s, #621s, #616s, #619s, #590s, #591s, #586s, #592 Class, #618s, #605s, #578s, #560s Class, #580s, #553s, #551s, #552s, #546s, #541s, #545s, #538s, #534s, #533s, #532s, #529s, #534s, #530s, #531s, #435s, #437s, #452s, #499s, #429s, #426s, #424s, #481s, #422s, #417s, #414s, #451s, #215p, #213p, #222p, #235p, #230p, #229p, #236p, #224p, #244p, #247p, #249p, #231p, #232p, #228p, #252p, #250p, #251p, #248p, #168p, #164p, #118p, #142p, #174p, #173p, #194p, #189p, #193p, #183p, #178p, #179p, #181p, #182p, #175p, #163p, #148p, #149p, #172p, #155p, #170p, #186p, #188p, #206p, #207p, #205p, #208p, #209p, #210p, #211p, #212p, #216p. Undated (the latest boat listed, WINSOME, was launched in 1907)." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (?) (creator). Handwritten List. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE06_00220. Folder [no #]. No date (1907 or later).)
① ② ③ ④
Note: This list of archival documents contains in an unedited form any and all which mention #193p Nina even if just in a cursory way. Permission to digitize, transcribe and display is gratefully acknowledged.
Further Image Information
Created by: Anon.
Image Caption: The Nina, Calumet Island, St. Lawrence, River, N.Y.
Image Date: 1897----1902
Collection: Library of Congress Collection, LC-D4-11420.
Image is copyrighted: No known restrictions
Further Image Information
Created by: Anon.
Image Caption: "Nina --- This photograph illustrates what a beautiful yacht she was. It was taken after she had become the Josephine and was owned by Mr. Edmund Stevenson Burke, Jr. The Burke's Summer home on Jewel Island near Alexandria Bay is in the background."
Image Date: 1897-1905
Published in: Mercier, Gilbart B. Pleasure Yachts of the Thousand Islands. Clayton, New York, 1981, s.v. "Nina".
Image is copyrighted: No known restrictions
Anon. "Nina [#193p.]" Photograph, between 1897-1935.
Further Image Information
Created by: Anon.
Image Caption: [Nina.]
Image Date: 1897----1935
Published in: Bowling Green State University (publisher). Great Lakes Vessels Online Index, s.v. "Nina.", retrieved June 2, 2015.
Collection: Historical Collections of the Great Lakes (HCGL), Bowling Green State University, Image ID 003997.
Image is copyrighted: Yes
Copyright holder: Historical Collections of the Great Lakes (HCGL), Bowling Green State University.
Further Image Information
Created by: Anon.
Image Caption: [Yacht Nina passing Jewel Island.]
Image Date: 1897----1905
Published in:, retrieved February 19, 2013.
Image is copyrighted: No
Anon. "Irene, ex-Nina [#193p.]" Photograph, between 1903-1912.
Further Image Information
Created by: Anon.
Image Caption: [Yacht Irene ex-Nina outside her boathouse off Wellesley Island in the St. Lawrence River in the Thousand Islands. The boathouse was built for her in 1905 by Alexander R. Peacock in 1905.]
Image Date: 1903----1912
Published in:, retrieved June 2, 2015.
Collection: Peacock Family Collection.
Image is copyrighted: Yes
Anon. "Irene, ex-Nina [#193p.]" Photograph, between 1903-1912.
Further Image Information
Created by: Anon.
Image Caption: [Yacht Irene ex-Nina inside her boathouse off Wellesley Island in the St. Lawrence River in the Thousand Islands. The boathouse was built for her in 1905 by Alexander R. Peacock in 1905.]
Image Date: 1903----1912
Published in:, retrieved June 2, 2015.
Collection: Peacock Family Collection.
Image is copyrighted: Yes
Further Image Information
Created by: Anon.
Image Caption: "Still Life With Steam Yacht --- Nina (as the Josephine) at Jewel Island, Summer home of Mr. Edmund Stevenson Burke, Jr. Craigside, the Summer home of Mr. Henry A. Laughlin, owner of the Corona and the Presque Isle is to the right --- across the Main Channel."
Image Date: 1913----1921
Published in: Mercier, Gilbart B. Pleasure Yachts of the Thousand Islands. Clayton, New York, 1981, s.v. "Selected Illustrations".
Image is copyrighted: No known restrictions
1902 Manning's American Yacht List
Name: Nina
Owner: Chas. G. Emery; Club(s): 1 [New York], 10 [Atlantic]; Port: New York
Official no. 130743; Type & Rig Scw. Schr. [Screw Schooner]
Tons Gross 45.45; Tons Net 35.74; LOA 99.0; LWL 83.0; Extr. Beam 13.8; Depth 9.3; Draught 5.3
Builder Herreshoff Mfg. Co.; Designer N. G. Herreshoff; Built where Bristol, R.I.; Built when 1897 June
Engine T[riple] Ex[pansion]. 3 Cy. 6 1/4, 10 & 16 x 9. Water Tube [Boiler]. 1905; Maker Herreshoff Mfg. Co.
1903 Lloyd's Register of American Yachts
Name: Nina
Owner: A. W. Peacock.; Port: New York
Official no. 130743; Building Material Wood; Type & Rig ScwStm. [Screw Steamer]
Tons Gross 52.55; Tons Net 35.74; Reg. Length 99.2; LOA 99.2; LWL 83.0; Extr. Beam 13.7; Depth 7.9; Draught 5.3
Builder Herreshoff Mfg. Co.; Built where Bristol, R.I.; Built when 1897
Engine T[riple]. 3 Cyl. 6 1/4, 10 & 16 x 9
1905 Lloyd's Register of American Yachts
Name; Former Name(s): Irene; Nina
Owner: A. R. Peacock. D. M. Clemson; Port: Pittsburg, Pa.
Official no. 130743; Building Material Wood; Type & Rig Scw. Stm. [Screw Steamer]
Tons Gross 52.55; Tons Net 35.74; Reg. Length 99.2; LOA 99.2; LWL 83.0; Extr. Beam 13.7; Depth 7.9; Draught 5.3
Builder Herreshoff Mfg. Co.; Designer N. G. Herreshoff; Built where Bristol, R.I.; Built when 1897
Engine T[riple]. 3 Cyl. 6 1/4, 10 & 16 x 9, 1B[oiler] W[ater] T[ube]. 1905; Maker Herreshoff Mfg. Co.
1906 Lloyd's Register of American Yachts (#1369)
Name; Former Name(s): Irene; Nina
Owner: A. R. Peacock; Port: Alexandria Bay, N.Y.; Port of Registry: Pittsburg, Pa.
Official no. 130743; Building Material Wood; Type & Rig K[eel], FD [Flush Deck], ScwStm [Screw Steamer], Sch[ooner]
Tons Gross 52; Tons Net 35; LOA 99-3; LWL 83-0; Extr. Beam 13-9; Depth 7-10; Draught 5-4
Builder Her. M. Co.; Designer N. G. Herreshoff; Built where Bristol, R.I.; Built when 1897
Engine T[riple]. 3 Cyl. 6 1/4, 10 & 16 x 9. 1B[oiler]. W.T. [Watertube] NB05 [New Boiler1905] ; Maker Her. M. Co.
1912 Lloyd's Register of American Yachts (#1399)
Name; Former Name(s): Irene; Nina
Owner: Alex. R. Peacock; Port: Alexandria Bay, N.Y.; Port of Registry: Pittsburg, Pa.
Official no. 130743; Building Material Wood; Type & Rig K[eel], FD [Flush Deck], ScwStm [Screw Steamer], Sch[ooner]
Tons Gross 52; Tons Net 35; LOA 99-3; LWL 83-0; Extr. Beam 13-9; Depth 7-10; Draught 5-4
Builder Herreshoff Mfg. Co.; Designer N. G. Herreshoff; Built where Bristol, R.I.; Built when 1897
Engine T[riple]. 3 Cyl. 6 1/4, 10 & 16 x 9. 1B[oiler]. W.T. [Watertube] NB [New Boiler] 1905; Maker Her. M. Co.
1914 Lloyd's Register of American Yachts (#1511)
Name; Former Name(s): Josephine; Irene, Nina
Owner: Edmund Stevenson Burke, Jr.; Port: Alexandria Bay; Port of Registry: Cape Vincent, N.Y.
Official no. 130743; Building Material Wood; Type & Rig K[eel], FD [Flush Deck], ScwStm [Screw Steamer], Sch[ooner]
Tons Gross 52; Tons Net 35; LOA 99-3; LWL 83-0; Extr. Beam 13-9; Depth 7-10; Draught 5-4
Builder Herreshoff Mfg. Co.; Designer N. G. Herreshoff; Built where Bristol, R.I.; Built when 1897
Engine T[riple]. 3 Cyl. 6 1/4, 10 & 16 x 9. 1B[oiler] W[ater] T[ube]. N[ew]B[oiler] 1905; Maker Herreshoff Mfg. Co.
1915 List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S.
Name: Josephine
Owner: Edmund S Burke, Jr.
Official no. 130743; Type & Rig St.s. [steam engine, screw]
Tons Gross 52; Tons Net 35; Reg. Length 99.2; Extr. Beam 13.7; Depth 7.9
Built where Bristol, R.I.; Built when 1897
1917 Lloyd's Register of American Yachts (#1503)
Name; Former Name(s): Josephine; Irene, Nina
Owner: Edmund Stevenson Burke, Jr.; Port: Alexandria Bay; Port of Registry: Cape Vincent, N.Y.
Official no. 130743; Building Material Wood; Type & Rig K[eel], FD [Flush Deck], ScwStm [Screw Steamer], Sch[ooner]
Tons Gross 52; Tons Net 35; LOA 99-3; LWL 83-0; Extr. Beam 13-8; Depth 7-10; Draught 5-4
Builder Herreshoff Mfg. Co.; Designer N. G. Herreshoff; Built where Bristol, R.I.; Built when 1897
Engine T[riple]. 3 Cyl. 6 1/4, 10 & 16 x 9. 1B[oiler] W[ater] T[ube]. N[ew]B[oiler] 1905; Maker Herreshoff Mfg. Co.
1920 Lloyd's Register of American Yachts (#1439)
Name; Former Name(s): Josephine; Irene, Nina
Owner: Edmund Stevenson Burke, Jr.; Port: Alexandria Bay; Port of Registry: Cape Vincent, N.Y.
Official no. 130743; Building Material Wood; Type & Rig K[eel], FD [Flush Deck], ScwStr [Screw Steamer], Sch [Power Schooner]
Tons Gross 52; Tons Net 35; LOA 99-3; LWL 83-0; Extr. Beam 13-9; Depth 7-10; Draught 5-4
Builder Herreshoff Mfg. Co.; Designer N. G. Herreshoff; Built where Bristol, R.I.; Built when 1897
Engine T[riple]. 3 Cyl. 6 1/4, 10 & 16 x 9. 1B[oiler] W[ater] T[ube]. N[ew]B[oiler] 1905; Maker Herreshoff Mfg. Co.
1923 Lloyd's Register of American Yachts (#1635)
Name; Former Name(s): Laurion; Josephine, Irene, Nina
Owner: M. Crouse Klock; Port: Clayton; Port of Registry: Cape Vincent, N.Y.
Official no. 130743; Building Material Wood; Type & Rig K[eel], FD [Flush Deck], Pwr Sch [Power Schooner]
Tons Gross 52; Tons Net 35; LOA 99-3; LWL 83-0; Extr. Beam 13-8; Depth 7-10; Draught 5-4
Builder Herreshoff Mfg. Co.; Designer N. G. Herreshoff; Built where Bristol, R.I.; Built when 1897
Engine T[riple]. 3 Cyl. 6 1/4, 10 & 16 x 9. 1B[oiler] W[ater] T[ube]. N[ew]B[oiler] 1905; Maker Herreshoff Mfg. Co.
1925 Lloyd's Register of American Yachts (#1635)
Name; Former Name(s): Laurion; Josephine, Irene, Nina
Owner: M. Crouse Klock; Port: Clayton; Port of Registry: Cape Vincent, N.Y.
Official no. 130743; Building Material Wood; Type & Rig K[eel], FD [Flush Deck], Pwr Sch [Power Schooner]
Tons Gross 52; Tons Net 35; LOA 99-3; LWL 83-0; Extr. Beam 13-9; Depth 7-10; Draught 5-4
Builder Herreshoff Mfg. Co.; Designer N. G. Herreshoff; Built where Bristol, R.I.; Built when 1897
Engine T[riple]. 3 Cyl. 6 1/4, 10 & 16 x 9. 1B[oiler] W[ater] T[ube]. N[ew]B[oiler] 1905; Maker Herreshoff Mfg. Co.
1930 Lloyd's Register of American Yachts (#2295)
Name; Former Name(s): Laurion; Josephine, Irene, Nina
Owner: M. Crouse Klock; Port: Clayton; Port of Registry: Cape Vincent, N.Y.
Official no. 130743; Building Material Wood; Type & Rig K[eel], FD [Flush Deck], Pwr Sch[ooner]
Tons Gross 52; Tons Net 35; LOA 99-3; LWL 83-0; Extr. Beam 13-8; Depth 7-10; Draught 5-4
Builder Herreshoff Mfg. Co.; Designer N. G. Herreshoff; Built where Bristol, R.I.; Built when 1897
Engine T[riple]. 3 Cyl. 6 1/4, 10 & 16 x 9. 1B[oiler] W[ater] T[ube]. N[ew]B[oiler] 1905; Maker Herreshoff Mfg. Co.
1935 Lloyd's Register of American Yachts (#2576)
Name; Former Name(s): Laurion; Josephine, Irene, Nina
Owner: M. Crouse Klock; Port: Clayton; Port of Registry: Cape Vincent, N.Y.
Official no. 130743; Building Material Wood; Type & Rig K[eel], FD [Flush Deck], Pwr Sch[ooner]
Tons Gross 52; Tons Net 35; LOA 99-3; LWL 83-0; Extr. Beam 13-8; Depth 7-10; Draught 5-4
Builder Herreshoff Mfg. Co.; Designer N. G. Herreshoff; Built where Bristol, R.I.; Built when 1897
Engine T[riple]. 3 Cyl. 6 1/4, 10 & 16 x 9. 1B[oiler] W[ater] T[ube]. N[ew]B[oiler] 1905; Maker Herreshoff Mfg. Co.
Source: Various Yacht Lists and Registers. For complete biographical information see the Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné under Data Sources. Note that this section shows only snapshots in time and should not be considered a provenance, although it can help creating one.
From the 1920 and earlier HMCo Index Cards at the MIT Museum
- Note: The vessel index cards comprise two sets of a total of some 3200 cards about vessels built by HMCo, with dimensions and information regarding drawings, later or former vessel names, and owners. They were compiled from HMCo's early days until 1920 and added to in later decades, apparently by Hart Nautical curator William A. Baker and his successors. While HMCo seems to have used only one set of index cards, all sorted by name and, where no name was available, by number, later users at MIT apparently divided them into two sets of cards, one sorted by vessel name, the other by vessel number and greatly expanded the number of cards. Original HMCo cards are usually lined and almost always punched with a hole at bottom center while later cards usually have no hole, are unlined, and often carry substantially less information. All cards are held by the Francis Russell Hart Nautical Collections of the MIT Museum in Cambridge, Mass.
From the 1931 HMCo-published Owner's List
Name: Nina
Type: Steam
Length: 99'
Owner: Emery, Charles G.
Source: Herreshoff Manufacturing Company. "A Partial List of Herreshoff Clients." In: Herreshoff Manufacturing Company. Herreshoff Yachts. Bristol, Rhode Island, ca. 1931.
From the 1930s L. Francis Herreshoff Index Cards at the Herreshoff Marine Museum
- Note: The L. Francis Herreshoff index cards comprise a set of some 1200 cards about vessels built by HMCo, with dimensions and / or ownership information. Apparently compiled in the early 1930s, for later HMCo-built boats like the Fishers Island 23s or the Northeast Harbor 30s are not included. Added to in later decades, apparently by L. F. Herreshoff as well as his long-time secretary Muriel Vaughn and others. Also 46 cards of L. F. Herreshoff-designed vessels. The original set of index cards is held by the Herreshoff Marine Museum and permission to display is gratefully acknowledged.
From the 1953 HMCo Owner's List by L. Francis Herreshoff
Name: Nina
Type: 99' steamer
Owner: Charles G. Emery
Year: 1897
Row No.: 479
Source: Herreshoff, L. Francis. "Partial List of Herreshoff-Built Boats." In: Herreshoff, L. Francis. Capt. Nat Herreshoff. The Wizard of Bristol. New York, 1953, p. 325-343.
From the 2000 (ca.) Transcription of the HMCo Construction Record by Vermilya/Bray
Year: 1897
E/P/S: P
No.: 193
Name: Nina. Josephine 1912, Irene. Laurion 1921.
OA: 99'
LW: 83'
Source: Vermilya, Peter and Maynard Bray. "Transcription of the HMCo. Construction Record." Unpublished database, ca. 2000.
Note: The transcription of the HMCo Construction Record by Peter Vermilya and Maynard Bray was performed independently (and earlier) than that by Claas van der Linde. A comparison of the two transcriptions can be particularly useful in those many cases where the handwriting in the Construction Record is difficult to decipher.
Research Note(s)
"Steam engine rating 285hp from undated (1903 or later) diagram by N. G. Herreshoff titled 'Marine Engine. Weights and Prices' in the Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. March 24, 2019.)
"Marine Engine of Open Type. 6 1/4 & 10 & 16 x 9, 610[rpm], 285[hp]. [Note:] 2100lbs [in pencil]." (Source: Herreshoff, N. G. Handwritten List of HMCo-Made Steam Engines. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum, MRDED1_00220. Undated, between 1903 and 1918.)
"Built in 129 days (contract to launch; equivalent to 705 lbs displacement/day)." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. January 15, 2025.)
"In the absence of better available data displacement was estimated by using the figure for Gross Register Tons (45.45) from the 1902 Manning's American Yacht List (Net Register Tons were reported as 35.74) and converting to lbs by dividing through 2000 (short tons). Note that this figure can only be a rough estimate because register tons as reported in Yacht Registers correlate only loosely with actual displacement figures." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. March 17, 2015.)
Note: Research notes contain information about a vessel that is often random and unedited but has been deemed useful for future research.
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Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné.
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