HMCo #229p Sunbeam

Type: High Speed Steam Launch
Designed by: NGH
Contract: 1902-9
Launch: 1903-3-17
Construction: Wood (Mahogany)
LOA: 58' 8.5" (17.89m)
LWL: 52' 6" (16.00m)
Beam: 8' 6.5" (2.60m)
Draft: 2' 6" (0.76m)
Displ.: 22,000 lbs (9,979 kg)
Propulsion: Steam, Herreshoff, 140 h.p. Triple exp., 3 cyl. (5 5/8" & 8" & 12 1/2" bore x 7" stroke)
Boiler: Bent Tube; [Plan]43-38
Propeller: Diameter 28", 4 bl. #23
Built for: Hutchinson, James L.
Note(s) in HMCo Construction Record: Fast mahog. launch. Moulds destr. Nov. 1916.
Current owner: Private Owner, New York state (engine only) (last reported 1910 at age 7)
Note: Particulars are primarily but not exclusively from the HMCo Construction Record. Supplementary information not from the Construction Record appears elsewhere in this record with a complete citation.

Model location: H.M.M. Model Room South Wall Door
Vessels from this model:
2 built, modeled by NGH
Original text on model:
"No. 229 Dec 1902 Scale 3/4" per ft. SUNBEAM
No. 235 1903-04 Scale 3/4" per ft. MIST" (Source: Original handwritten annotation on model. Undated.)
Model Description:
"58'9" loa Sunbeam and Mist, fast steam launches of 1903." (Source: Bray, Maynard. 2004.)
Note: Vessels that appear in the records as not built, a cancelled contract, a study model, or as a model sailboat are listed but not counted in the list of vessels built from a model.

List of drawings:
Drawings believed to have been first drawn for, or being first referenced to
HMCo #229p Sunbeam are listed in bold.
Click on Dwg number for preview, on HH number to see at M.I.T. Museum.
Dwg 006-030 (HH.5.00530); 28" Propeller, 51" x 42" Pitch (1881-05-06)
Dwg 009-013 (HH.5.00795): Coupling for 2" and 2 5/8" Diam Shaft, Str. 104, Magnolia (1883-06-26)
Dwg 067-025 (HH.5.04753): Steering Arm for Str. 118 (1886-06-21)
Dwg 054-028 (HH.5.03961): Elbows & Tees (1886-07-21)
Dwg 054-048 (HH.5.03981): Condenser T for # 178 (1893-11-04)
Dwg 011-010 (HH.5.00935): Cover for Coupling and Stuffing Box St. 194 (1897-04-13)
Dwg 062-050 (HH.5.04415): Spare Tiller for Str. No. 188 (1897-09-25)
Dwg 058-020 (HH.5.04091): Outboard Shaft Bearing Str. 188 (1897-10-16)
Dwg 071-035 (HH.5.05138): Color Pole Socket (1897-10-28)
Dwg 043-038 (HH.5.03388): Boiler for Polly # 120, # 163 (1898-11-04)
Dwg 082-046 (HH.5.06319): Sockets on Outsides of Coamings for 3/4" # 16 (1902-06-25)
Dwg 005-055 (HH.5.00286): General Arrangement > Preliminary Drawing 56'-10" O.A. High Speed Launch (1902-09-27)
Dwg 025-015 (HH.5.01764): Casting List (1903)
Dwg 062-056 (HH.5.04421): Rudder and Stock # 229 (1903-01-03)
Dwg 055-017 (HH.5.04005): Condenser and Return Bend for 3" & 2" (1903-01-05)
Dwg 068-052 (HH.5.04859): Rudder Quadrant # 229 (1903-01-05)
Dwg 011-031 (HH.5.00957): Stern Tube and Stuffing Box (1903-01-08)
Dwg 058-027 (HH.5.04098): Strut for 2 1/8" Steel Shaft (1903-01-10)
Dwg 058-028 (HH.5.04099): Outboard Shaft Bearing (1903-01-10)
Dwg 001-028 (HH.5.00442); Construction Dwg > #229 58'-81/2" O.A., 52'-6" W.L., 8'-6 5/8" Beam, 2'-6" Draft (1903-01-24)
Dwg 048-023 (HH.5.03664): Smoke Stack and Coal Bunker (1903-01-29)
Dwg 068-054 (HH.5.04861): Sheaves and Holders for Wheel Rope (1903-01-30)
Dwg 085-053 (HH.5.06638): Detail of Hand Rail (1903-01-31)
Dwg 008-031 (HH.5.00729): Shaft and Cap-Nut (1903-02-04)
Dwg 111-050 (HH.5.09241): Partitions and Other Wood Work (1903-02-05)
Dwg 070-049 (HH.5.05049): Bow Chocks ( Star & Port) (1903-02-09)
Dwg 066-036 (HH.5.04709): Lever and Bracket for Engine Room Signal Gear (1903-02-13)
Dwg 068-000 (HH.5.04949): Tobin Bronze Sprocket Wheel for Steering Gear. (1903-02-20)
Dwg 093-046 (HH.5.07651): Cockpit Chairs # 229 (1903-04-30)
Dwg 030-044 (HH.5.02258): Docking Plan for Sunbeam and Mist (1903-05-26)
Dwg 114-063 (HH.5.09562): Davit for 10'-1" Row Boat (1903-10-09)
Note: The Haffenreffer-Herreshoff Collection is copyrighted by the Francis Russell Hart Nautical Collections of the MIT Museum in Cambridge, Mass. Permission to incorporate information from it in the Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné is gratefully acknowledged. The use of this information is permitted solely for research purposes. No part of it is to be published in any form whatsoever.
Nathanael G. Herreshoff
"[1903-03-17] Tue 17: Overcast. Launched #229 Sunbeam. ...
[1903-05-13] Wed 13: Very fine [with] SW [wind]. Went off in Sunbeam #229 in p.m. to look at Reliance [#605s] when beating down the bay. Tried 222 Parthenia [#222p] in forenoon." (Source: Herreshoff, Nathanael G. Diary, 1903. Manuscript (excerpts). Diary access courtesy of Halsey C. Herreshoff.)
"May 7, 1903
Trial of Sunbeam, #229.
59ft o.a. 52ft w.l. 7in stroke inclosed engine. Grate [blank]. Wheel 28 x 51.
One mile course in harbor, nearly calm, little coal & water [on board], parts of equipment & furnishing, 4 people.
[Followed by tabulated trial run data with mean speed being 18.07mph = 15.7kn]." (Source: Herreshoff, N. G. Handwritten note in Trials Booklet '1898 - 1909' under date of May 7, 1903. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum.)
L. Francis Herreshoff
"In 1904 Captain Nat designed two very remarkable sister steam launches. One was named 'Mist,' built for Edward Morrell, and the other 'Sunbeam,' built for J. L. Hutchinson --- both fifty-nine feet long and eight feet six inches beam. They had small triple expansion steeple engines which developed approximately one hundred and twenty-five horsepower, and when new these launches could attain a speed of twenty-two miles per hour. I speak of them now mostly because they were of the finest workmanship throughout that I have ever seen: they were double planked, and the mahogany for each side and the deck was sawn from separate logs so they matched perfectly. The boiler was entirely enclosed in a polished brass casing; the cylinders had brass lagging, and the lower part of the engine, which was enclosed, had a casing of polished blue Russian iron." (Source: Herreshoff, L. Francis. The Wizard of Bristol. The Life and Achievements of Nathanael Greene Herreshoff, together with An Account of Some of the Yachts he Designed. New York, 1953, p. 244, 246.)
Other Contemporary Text Source(s)
"The new steam launch [#229p Sunbeam] for Mr. Hutchinson of New York, owner of the Vanish [#177p], is about complete and is a beauty. It is about 65 feet in length." (Source: Anon. "Other Yachting Notes." Bristol Phoenix, February 6, 1903, p. 4.)
"Sunbeam, steam launch #229, of [blank].
Built at Bristol, RI, by Herreshoff Manufacturing Co.
11.42 gross tons, 7.77 net tons; 54.5 ft. x 8.5 ft. x 5.5 ft. [Register length x breadth x depth.]
One deck, no mast, overhanging head, overhanging stern.
Surveyed and measured, February 26, 1903. [With note: Indicated Horse power 150.]" (Source: U.S. Customs Department, Bristol, R.I. Custom House Record Book, 1870s to 1904 (Collection of the Herreshoff Marine Museum), s.v. Sunbeam.)
"A 65-foot fast steam launch [#229p Sunbeam] for J. S. Hutchinson, of the New-York Yacht Club, was launched from the Herreshoff shop on Tuesday [March 17, 1903]. Mr. Hutchinson is also owner of the fast launch Vanish [#177p]." (Source: Anon. "Of Interest to Yachtsmen." New York Tribune, March 21, 1903, p. 5.)
"BRISTOL, R. I., March 22 [1903]. --- ... The new steam launch Sunbeam [#229p Sunbeam], built for James L. Hutchinson of New York, is covered over with canvas at one of the Herreshoff wharves, and will not be tried on the measured course until the cup boats are away from Bristol." (Source: Anon. "Easter Week Launching." New York Times, March 23, 1903, p. 6.)
"[License issued to vessel under 20 tons. Pos. 257:]
Sunbeam, steam yacht, of Bristol.
Built at Bristol, 1903.
7.77 tons; 54.5 ft. x 8.5 ft. x 5.5 ft. [Register length x breadth x depth.]
No specifications shown.
Lic[ensed] ([as] yacht) May 6, 1903. Owner: Herreshoff Manufacturing Company of Bristol. Master: N. G. Herreshoff.
Surrendered [license] May 29, 1903 at Greenport. ([Record at:] C[ustom] H[ouse, Providence])." (Source: Survey of Federal Archives, Work Projects Administration. Ships Documents of Rhode Island. Bristol. Ship Registers and Enrollments of the Port of Bristol - Warren Rhode Island, 1941, s.v. Sunbeam.)
"BRISTOL, R. I., May 10 [1903]. --- ... The new steam launch Sunbeam [#229p], about 35 feet in length, and built there for J. C. Hutchinson of New York, had a number of trials in the harbor the past week. Thursday she developed a speed of eighteen miles an hour. ..." (Anon. "The Reliance At Bristol." New York Times, May 11, 1903, p. 7.)
"The handsome new launch Sunbeam, built by Herreshoff the past winter for a Mr Hutchinson of New York, left here yesterday for Shelter Island, which will be her headquarters during the season. George V. Ebbitts of this town is the engineer of the Sunbeam." (Source: Anon. "Bristol and Vicinity." Bristol Phoenix, May 12, 1903, p. 2.)
"IT is pleasant to see a departure from the usual design make so good-looking a craft as this little flyer from the Herreshoff's shops, owned by Mr. J. L. Hutchinson, of the N. Y. Y. C. Her resemblance to a torpedo boat helps her looks somewhat, perhaps, but the general appearance is usually good. Great care has been taken in her finish, even to the extent of building her out of a single log of mahogany in order to secure uniformity of grain. There are air-tight compartments forward and aft which make her practically non-sinkable, and under her forward deck there is an owner's stateroom with all conveniences and another room aft accommodating two men. The cockpit has revolving chairs, upholstered in green corduroy. The engine is of the triple-expansion, Steeple type, developing 125-horse-power, and is capable under forced draught of driving her at the rate of 22 statute miles an hour. The hull is 60 feet o. a., 8 feet 8 inches beam and draws 3 feet 6 inches of water." (Source: Anon. "High-Speed Steam Launch. Rudder, December 1903, p. 634.)
"Mr. J. L. Hutchinson, Morristown, N. J., has sold the steam yacht Sunbeam to ex-Mayor Low, through the agency of Mr. Stanley M. Seaman, New York. Sunbeam has a recorded speed of 19.2 miles. She is a double-planked mahogany boat, 60ft over all, 8ft. 6in. beam and 3ft 6in. draft, built 1903, by the Herreshoff Mfg. Co." (Source: Anon. "Sunbeam Purchased by ex-Mayor Low." Forest and Stream, April 23, 1904, p. 343.)
"Mr. J. L. Hutchinson, of Morristown, N. J., has sold the steam yacht Sunbeam to Ex- Mayor Low, New York. The Sunbeam has a recorded speed of 19.2 miles. She is a double planked mahogany boat, 60 ft. o. a., 8 ft. 6 in. beam, 3 ft. 6 in. draft built 1903 by Herreshoff Mfg. Co. She is equipped with a Herreshoff triple expansion engine running in oil and Thorneycroft type boiler. She is now hauled out at Bristol and will be taken to Greenport, N. Y., to be fitted out by Capt. Rackett, after which she will proceed to Bar Harbor, Me., ready for new owner upon his return from Europe." (Source: Anon. "Ex-Mayor Low's Steam Yacht Sold." Sail and Sweep, May 1904, p. 207.)
"No. 5070 --- For Sale --- (See illustration). Semi-cruising speed launch, 60x9x3, built 1903 by Herreshoff. Nothing finer of this type has ever been built. Double planked --- cedar and mahogany; copper riveted and brass screw fastenings. Owner's cabin with berth and dressing seat and toilet room under turtle back; two berths under after deck for crew; forward and after cockpits with upholstered seats each side. Interior finish mahogany throughout. 125 h.p. triple-expansion engine (Herreshoff patent) and water-tube boiler; latter retubed 1905. Normal speed 12 to 15 miles; maximum 18 miles. Whole outfit in absolutely first-class condition. Admirably adapted for gentleman's ferryboat. Address Stanley M. Seaman, 220 Broadway, New York." (Source: Rudder, March 1908, p. 175.)
"Herreshoff high-speed steam launch Sunbeam, sold by Seth Low, N. Y. Y. C., to Fred J. Schussell, Oyster Bay." (Source: Anon. "Yachts Change Hands." Forest and Stream, October 17, 1908, p. 622.)
"No. 28135 --- For Sale --- (See illustration). Semi-cruising speed launch, 60x9x3, built 1903 by Herreshoff. The very best of her type. Expense wholly disregarded in construction. Double planked --- cedar and mahogany, copper riveted and brass screw fastenings. Owner's cabin and toilet under turtle deck, quarters for crew of two under after deck. Complete inventory, including cedar tender. Solid mahogany throughout. 125-h.p. triple-expansion Herreshoff engine and water tube boiler. Speed: normal 12 to 15 miles --- forced 18 miles. The entire outfit is guaranteed in absolutely A-1 order, having received the best of care at all times and has been comparatively little used. Boat would make an ideal tender for large racing yacht, also admirably adapted for gentleman's ferry boat. Could be easily converted into gasolene boat if desired. Should be especially attractive for South American use. Will consider an exchange for a high grade cruiser of moderate speed with maximum accommodations, or power houseboat. Will be sold at a sacrifice --- owner desiring larger boat. Apply to your own broker or direct to Owner, 458 19th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. [The accompanying photo (the same as used in the for-sale advertisement in the Rudder of 1908) and the dimensions identify her clearly as Sunbeam #229p.]" (Source: Rudder, March 1910, p. 259.)
Archival Documents
"[Item Description:] Penciled pantograph hull sections titled '#229 [SUNBEAM]. Finished model. 52ft 6in w.l. Scale 3/4. Jan[uary] 1903'. No other notes or calculations." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Pantograph Hull Sections. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE04_04080. Folder [no #]. 1903.)
"[Item Description:] Penciled table with steam engine data ('Boiler [pressure], 'SS', '1st Int', '2 Int', 'Vac[uum]', 'R[evolutions]') for FLORENCE [#208p], EUGENIA [#205p] (in 1902 and 1904), ROAMER [#215p] (in 1902, 1904 and 1905), SUNBEAM [#229p], MIST [#235p], and PARTHENIA [#222p]." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Penciled Table. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE03_01400. Folder [no #]. No date (1905 or later).)
"[Item Description:] Four handwritten (in ink) pages with tabulated data listing 'Shop No', 'Name', '[Tons] Gross' and '[Tons] Net' for a total of 100 HMCo-built boats and classes. Tonnage data is usually precise to two digits behind the decimal. Random comparisons suggest source of tonnage data to be official Custom House data. Boats mentioned are: #664s, #663s, #625s, #665s, #634s, #658s, #657s, #646s, #641s, #617s, #626s Class, #624s, #621s, #616s, #619s, #590s, #591s, #586s, #592 Class, #618s, #605s, #578s, #560s Class, #580s, #553s, #551s, #552s, #546s, #541s, #545s, #538s, #534s, #533s, #532s, #529s, #534s, #530s, #531s, #435s, #437s, #452s, #499s, #429s, #426s, #424s, #481s, #422s, #417s, #414s, #451s, #215p, #213p, #222p, #235p, #230p, #229p, #236p, #224p, #244p, #247p, #249p, #231p, #232p, #228p, #252p, #250p, #251p, #248p, #168p, #164p, #118p, #142p, #174p, #173p, #194p, #189p, #193p, #183p, #178p, #179p, #181p, #182p, #175p, #163p, #148p, #149p, #172p, #155p, #170p, #186p, #188p, #206p, #207p, #205p, #208p, #209p, #210p, #211p, #212p, #216p. Undated (the latest boat listed, WINSOME, was launched in 1907)." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (?) (creator). Handwritten List. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE06_00220. Folder [no #]. No date (1907 or later).)
① ② ③ ④
"[Item Transcription:] Handwritten (mostly in pencil but also in ink) trials booklet titled '1898 - 1909'. Relevant contents:
§28: #229p SUNBEAM Trial Run mean speed 18.07mph = 15.7kn (1903-05-07)." (Source: Herreshoff, N.G. (creator). Trials Booklet. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum Item MRDE09_00060. Folder [no #]. 1898-09 to 1911-04.)
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳ ㉑ ㉒ ㉓ ㉔ ㉕ ㉖ ㉗ ㉘ ㉙ ㉚ ㉛ ㉜ ㉝ ㉞ ㉟ ㊱ ㊲ ㊳ ㊴ ㊵ ㊶ ㊷ ㊸ ㊹ ㊺ ㊻ ㊼ ㊽ ㊾ ㊿
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪
Note: This list of archival documents contains in an unedited form any and all which mention #229p Sunbeam even if just in a cursory way. Permission to digitize, transcribe and display is gratefully acknowledged.
Further Image Information
Created by: Anon.
Image Caption: "Sixty-Foot Launch, Owned by Mr. J. L. Hutchinson."
Published in: Rudder, December 1903, p. 634. (Also in: Rudder, March 1908, p. 175. Rudder, March 1910, p. 259. Also in: Herreshoff, L. Francis. The Wizard of Bristol. New York, 1953, p. 128-129.)
Image is copyrighted: No
1903 Lloyd's Register of American Yachts
Name: Sunbeam
Owner: J. L. Hutchinson; Port: Greenport, L.I.
Official no. 117226; Building Material Wood; Type & Rig ScwStm [Screw Steamer]
Tons Gross 11; Tons Net 7; Reg. Length 54.5; LOA 58.7; LWL 52.6; Extr. Beam 8.5; Depth 5.5; Draught 2.5
Builder Herreshoff Mfg. Co.; Designer N. G. Herreshoff; Built where Bristol, R.I.; Built when 1903
Engine 3 Cy. 150 I[ndicated] H.P. 1 B[oiler]; Maker Herreshoff Mfg. Co., Brs., R.I.
1905 Lloyd's Register of American Yachts
Name: Sunbeam
Owner: Seth Low; Port: New York
Official no. 117226; Building Material Wood; Type & Rig Scw Stm [Screw Steamer]
Tons Gross 11; Tons Net 7; Reg. Length 54.5; LOA 60.0; LWL 52.6; Extr. Beam 9.0; Depth 5.5; Draught 3.0
Builder Herreshoff Mfg. Co.; Designer N. G. Herreshoff; Built where Bristol, R.I.; Built when 1903
Engine 3 Cyl. 150 I[ndicated] H.P. 1 B[oiler]; Maker Herreshoff Mfg. Co., Brs., R.I.
1906 Lloyd's Register of American Yachts (#2793)
Name: Sunbeam
Owner: Seth Low; Port: New York
Official no. 117226; Building Material Wood; Type & Rig ScwL [Screw Launch]
Tons Gross 11; Tons Net 7; LOA 60-0; LWL 52-7; Extr. Beam 9-0; Depth 5-6; Draught 3-0
Builder Her. M. Co.; Designer N. G. Herreshoff; Built where Bristol, R.I.; Built when 1903
Engine T[riple]. 3 Cyl. 5 5/8, 8 & 12 1/2 x 7. 1 B[oiler] W[ater] T[ube]; Maker Her. M. Co.
Source: Various Yacht Lists and Registers. For complete biographical information see the Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné under Data Sources. Note that this section shows only snapshots in time and should not be considered a provenance, although it can help creating one.
From the 1920 and earlier HMCo Index Cards at the MIT Museum
- Note: The vessel index cards comprise two sets of a total of some 3200 cards about vessels built by HMCo, with dimensions and information regarding drawings, later or former vessel names, and owners. They were compiled from HMCo's early days until 1920 and added to in later decades, apparently by Hart Nautical curator William A. Baker and his successors. While HMCo seems to have used only one set of index cards, all sorted by name and, where no name was available, by number, later users at MIT apparently divided them into two sets of cards, one sorted by vessel name, the other by vessel number and greatly expanded the number of cards. Original HMCo cards are usually lined and almost always punched with a hole at bottom center while later cards usually have no hole, are unlined, and often carry substantially less information. All cards are held by the Francis Russell Hart Nautical Collections of the MIT Museum in Cambridge, Mass.
From the 1931 HMCo-published Owner's List
Name: Sunbeam
Type: Steam
Length: 58'8 1/2"
Owner: Hutchinson, J. L.
Source: Herreshoff Manufacturing Company. "A Partial List of Herreshoff Clients." In: Herreshoff Manufacturing Company. Herreshoff Yachts. Bristol, Rhode Island, ca. 1931.
From the 1930s L. Francis Herreshoff Index Cards at the Herreshoff Marine Museum
- Note: The L. Francis Herreshoff index cards comprise a set of some 1200 cards about vessels built by HMCo, with dimensions and / or ownership information. Apparently compiled in the early 1930s, for later HMCo-built boats like the Fishers Island 23s or the Northeast Harbor 30s are not included. Added to in later decades, apparently by L. F. Herreshoff as well as his long-time secretary Muriel Vaughn and others. Also 46 cards of L. F. Herreshoff-designed vessels. The original set of index cards is held by the Herreshoff Marine Museum and permission to display is gratefully acknowledged.
From the 1953 HMCo Owner's List by L. Francis Herreshoff
Name: Sunbeam
Type: 60' power launch
Owner: J. L. Hutchinson
Year: 1903
Row No.: 662
Source: Herreshoff, L. Francis. "Partial List of Herreshoff-Built Boats." In: Herreshoff, L. Francis. Capt. Nat Herreshoff. The Wizard of Bristol. New York, 1953, p. 325-343.
From the 2000 (ca.) Transcription of the HMCo Construction Record by Vermilya/Bray
Year: 1902
E/P/S: P
No.: 229
Name: Sunbeam
OA: 58' 8 1/2"
LW: 52' 6"
Source: Vermilya, Peter and Maynard Bray. "Transcription of the HMCo. Construction Record." Unpublished database, ca. 2000.
Note: The transcription of the HMCo Construction Record by Peter Vermilya and Maynard Bray was performed independently (and earlier) than that by Claas van der Linde. A comparison of the two transcriptions can be particularly useful in those many cases where the handwriting in the Construction Record is difficult to decipher.
Research Note(s)
"James Llewellyn Hutchinson, Sunbeam's first owner, had been a circus man (in partnership with P. T. Barnum)." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. March 21, 2014.)
"Sunbeam's 5-5/8 & 8 & 12-1/2 x 7” steam engine has survived. It stood for many years in a lobby at M.I.T. and was subsequently sold to James (Jim) Webster of Chautauqua Lake in New York State where it was used to power the newly-built 55ft steam boat Souvenir. After Webster's death the steam engine was removed from Souvenir is now said to be stored in a barn in a private collection close to Chautauqua Lake." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. [Information from private Emails by Rolly Evans.] May 8, 2015.)
"Steam engine rating 140hp from undated (1903 or later) diagram by N. G. Herreshoff titled 'Marine Engine. Weights and Prices' in the Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. March 24, 2019.)
"Marine Engine of Inclosed Type. 5 5/8 & 8 & 12 1/2 x 7, 615[rpm], 140[hp]. [Note:] 142 [hp in pencil]." (Source: Herreshoff, N. G. Handwritten List of HMCo-Made Steam Engines. Halsey C. Herreshoff Collection at the Herreshoff Marine Museum, MRDED1_00220. Undated, between 1903 and 1918.)
"In the absence of better available data displacement was estimated by using the figure for Gross Register Tons (11) from the 1903 Lloyd's Register of American Yachts (Net Register Tons were reported as 7) and converting to lbs by dividing through 2000 (short tons). Note that this figure can only be a rough estimate because register tons as reported in Yacht Registers correlate only loosely with actual displacement figures." (Source: van der Linde, Claas. March 17, 2015.)
Note: Research notes contain information about a vessel that is often random and unedited but has been deemed useful for future research.
We are always interested in learning more about this vessel. If you want to discuss it or can share any additional information or images or to discuss a copyright concern, please do not hesitate to send an Email to the link below!
Herreshoff Catalogue Raisonné.
All rights reserved. No reproduction, adaptation, or distribution of any part of this document or any information contained herein by any means whatsoever is permitted without prior written permission. For the full terms of copyright for this document please click here. Last revision 2025-01-15.
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